Finn Hudson

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(Next day... Thursday)
(At Santana's house in Lima)

Spencer's pov:

"Hey... Aria.." I whispered, trying to wake her up. We all chose rooms and a person to share the room with. Britt and San were sleeping in San's old room, Hanna and Caleb were sleeping in Brenna's old room, Brenna was sleeping with Ali and Em in her and San's old parents bedroom, and Aria and I were sleeping in their guest bedroom which was actually pretty decent sized. Quinn and Rachel dropped us off last night, they are staying at their own homes. They actually have school today so they cant just hang around. This was defenitley better than cramming at a small hotel, at least we get to stay in a home. "Aria!" I said a little louder, causing her to shift and open her eyes. "What time is it?" She groaned in a tired voice. I turned and looked at the clock on the wall. "It's 9:00am" I replied. "I dont wake up till 9:30... I have half an hour to sleep." She said back, sounding even more tired than she did a second ago. "Well.. You could sleep... Or you could come here." I said with a smirk. She just smiled and leaned in, connecting our lips. I started to get on top of her and started kissing her neck softly. Before anything else could happen the bedroom door opened and Emily was standing there. "Jeez guys!" She said as she closed the door behind her and walked in. "You're lucky it was me who opened this door or secret would be out." Em joked. I rolled off Aria and sighed. "What is it Em? It is 9:00 in the morning dont you have a girlfriend you can nag?" I said. "She's a heavy sleeper. The only conversation we could possibly have right now would be between me and her sleep talking thoughts. And I'm bored and no one is up." Em said. "And what made you think we were up?" I asked. "Well.. I didnt think that. I just opened the door and I see you on Aria and Im like-well clearly they're awake- so here I am." Em replied. "Awesome" I said back. "Are you ok? Why so cranky?" Em asked back. "I'm not cranky." I replied. Em just sighed. "So why does this have to be a secret?" Em asked. "Why does what have to be a secret?" I hear a voice ask from the door. We all look and it's Alison. Fantasic. "Heavy sleeper my ass." I mumble to Emily, only audible for us to hear. "Uh.. well..." I began but Aria cut me off by kissing me. I was shocked because it was her idea in the first place to keep this on the down low. "Well... That." Em replied to Ali's question as she pointed at Aria and I. "You two are a thing? Since when?" Ali asked as she walked into the room and sat next to Em. "A little over a week now.." Aria replied. Ali's eyes widened. "Why didnt you tell us?" Ali asked. "Well... I knew. But only because Aria came to me to talk about Spencer and then she told me not to say anything." Em said. Just then there was another knock on the door. Jeez what's up with everyone elses bedrooms? Did they get infested with roaches or do they just not exist past 9 am? This time it was Santana at the door. "Why wasnt I invited to this party?" San joked as she opened the door. "Well this 'party' was crashed two guests ago..." Spencer joked. Santana just laughed. "Alright well get dressed guys... Britt and I wanna show you around town and meet with our friends at school." She said with a smile. "Wait.. Cuz.. Wont it be a bad idea to show up to the school if Sue is there? Isnt she the principle?" Em asked. Santana just smiled. "Quinn sent a text.. Sue is sick. Figgins, our old principle, is taking her place for the day." Santana replied happily as she walked back to her old room. I turned to Aria then back to Ali and Em. "Well I guess that's our cue." I said as I stood up and opened my suitcase to pick an outfit, Aria doing the same. Ali and Em just walked out to the room they were staying in with Brenna and all got dressed as well. Brenna was gonna just stay at the house while we all go to the school.

[15 minutes later]

Britt's pov:

"Alright guys lets go." Santana said as we all followed her outside. "Wait... How are we gonna get to the school without a car?" I asked. Before she could answer a rental car pulled up. "I paid for a rental car for the week we'll be staying here. Just called the place." San said as she walked up to the car and handed the guy money. "What are you waiting for ?" San asked as she unlocked the car door and got in as the man got out. I just smiled, as did the others, and got in. Well, we're off to Mckinley high. Once we got to the school San parked in her old parking spot, which just brought back a bunch of nostalgic memories. It was now 9:30 and there was still five hours till the glee club met after school. Santana explained to us that we were just gonna show the girls around the school then around town to pass time, then we'd come back at 2:30ish when glee club started. "Wow.. Nice school." Hanna said as she admired the outside of the building. "Yeah.. I bet they have some nice computers in there. Mind if we check them out?" Caleb added. I just nodded "sure" I replied. With that, we all got out of the car. Caleb unfolded Hanna's wheelchair and placed it on the ground as he helped Hanna back in it. "Alright lets do this." Santana said taking a deep breath and letting out. I dont think she realized how nervous she'd be to step inside the building till now. I just took her hand, calming her down a bit, and started to walk towards the entrance with her as the others followed. "Ok this is the main hallway.. Santana and I had our lockers in this hall." I said as I led them down the hall and pointed to our old lockers. Just then we turned down a hall and there it was... Finn's memorial. All of the 'R.I.P.' Banners attatched to his locker and drumsticks and footballs placed near it still made a tear fall from my eye at the thought. I looked at Santana and she had a tear as well. I guess we stopped walking because Em interrupted our thoughts. "G-guys... Are you okay?" She asked. I didnt answer and neither did Santana... She just pulled her hand away from mine and walked closer to the memorial. I slowly walked up behind her and the others slowly followed. "Babe?" I asked carefully as I placed a hand on her shoulder. "No." She said as she slammed her fist into the locker and started crying. I know how hard Finn's death was for her.. They were best friends. When she wasnt with me, she was with him. His death hurt her the most.

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