It's not over

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[seven hours later]

Brittany quickly shot up and hit her head on the dresser. "Ow." She said as she grabbed her head in pain. She sat up and realized she was on the floor. She threw up a little, then put her head in her hands.

Brittany's POV:

My head was hurting and I didnt feel too great but I came down from all the drugs I took. I overdosed, but luckily it was just enough to knock me out for a couple of hours instead of kill me. Wait... The girl! I remembered as I reached for my phone.

Brittany: I saw you! Give it up. It's over. I saw you.

Unknown number: oh please. You were high as a kite. You may have saw me, but it's most definitley not over. You dont have a name, a reconizable face, or anything. So if you dont continue to do as I tell you... You will regret it.

Brittany: what did I ever do to you? You dont even know me.

Unknown number: You'll find out soon. It's only 7:00... I'd clean up all your throwup and get rid of the drug stank if I were you. Wouldnt want your girlfriend to find out your dirty little secret would you?;)

Brittany: fuck you.

I was so pissed. I thought my past was locked away forever but now it's resurfacing all because I'm afraid of what that pyscho will do to Santana if I dont do what she says. She would hurt her worse than she's hurting me. I dont even wanna think about what that would mean. What really hurt me was lying to her. I started to stand up slowly, the room was spinning. I closed my eyes and re-opened them and the room started slowly going back to normal. The room was a mess. Great. The comforter for the bed was on the floor, the pillows were on the other side of the room, my guitar was broken... Everything was everywhere. The drugs really hit me because everything happened so fast. I remember a lot of what happened, but I dont know what was real and what wasnt. I'm guessing the dragon that blew fire at the tv wasnt real... But other than that, I remember a lot. The girl was in the house for more than 15 minutes and it felt like not even two. I was so high it was insane. I remember her pulling a pocket knife on me and she cut my arms, I remember her beating the shit out of me with my guitar, I remember her chasing me and throwing me into things and after all of that physical contact, I still was too high to get a good glimpse at her face. All I remember about her was that she was wearing my cheerios uniform, she had blonde hair, and she was pretty short. Why the hell was she wearing my fucking cheerios uniform? I was finally able to actually walk, so I headed towards the bathroom and took a bunch of towels and wet wipes to the bedroom. I had a lot of cleaning to do......

[At Ali's]

Santana's POV:

"It's only like 7:00... You guys wanna watch a movie?" Ali asked Em and I. "Yeah sure." I said as I grabbed a few pillows from the couch and cuddled with them as I got comfy on the couch. "You miss Britt huh?" Em asked. "I know it sounds dumb.. It hasnt even been a whole day without her yet and I miss her so much." Em just put her head on my leg as Ali cuddled her and we all just cuddled and watched the movie.

[2 hours later]

"That movie was horrible." I said while laughing. "Yeah... We know. But it's funny, and we know you miss Britt so we were trying to distract you." Emily said laughing as well. "You guys are sweet." I said with a smile. "Speakin of sweet... Who wants icecream?" Alison said with a huge grin on her face. I jumped off the couch and speed walked over to Ali, who was now opening the freezer. "Me." I laughed, noticing I scared her when she turned around. "Can we share a bowl babe? I just want some." Emily said as she walked over to us. "Yeah no problem... Wanna share cookie dough, lava cake explosion, or mint chocolate chip?" Ali responded. "Definitley lava cake explosion." Em said with a smile. Ali grabbed two bowls from the cabinet and scooped their icecream. I scooped my own. I decided to have cookie dough because I think it's badass. When I was younger I would always get yelled at for eating raw cookie dough out of a package and the packaging would always say "do not eat raw cookie dough." So the fact that they put cookie dough balls in icecream and actually want you to eat it makes me happy. We all took our icecream and went up to Ali's room. We decided we wanted to braid eachothers hair after we ate our icecream. "Remember two years ago? In the library... You told me that I should let you braid my hair sometime. That's why I suggested this." Emily said to Ali as we finished up our icecream. Ali just smiled, "and I believe that conversation ended something like this..." Ali said as she pulled Emily's face to hers and crashed their lips together. When they broke the kiss they just stared into eachothers eyes adoringly. "You guys are so cute together." I said smiling. They just blushed as we continued our night braiding eachothers hair and blasting Metro Station, Em and Ali's favorite band. They say their song is 'take you home' by them.. I think it's pretty cute to be honest.

[back with Britt]

Brittany's POV:

Finally, I finished cleaning. After two hours, I finally got the room looking perfect. I fixed the bed, threw out my guitar in the dumpster that's in walking distance from the house, scrubbed up all of the throwup, threw out the bowl for smoking the meth, the lighter, the bottle of pills, etc. I got rid of all of it. I sprayed the entire room with lysol and febreze and bandaged up my arms from being cut with that knife the bitch pulled. After that I finally got to lay down. I just stared up at the ceiling as thoughts circled around in my head. I looked down at my baby bump and started to rub it, "I'm so sorry.." I whispered as I started to cry. I figured the only way to stop all of these bad thoughts was to listen to music and then go to bed. I grabbed my phone and headphones and started to scroll down my song list. Just as I was about to pick a song my phone buzzed.

Unknown number: How's Santana? Oh wait... You wouldnt know. She's off havin a girls night while you are all alone. Hahaha. Here's the next thing you need to do...... You need to breakup with her. Breakup with her, and she wont get hurt. She'll be safe. If you don't... You'll need a lot more than drugs to get over what'll happen to her.

"NEVER! YOU WONT EVER HURT HER!" I yelled as I threw my phone across the room. I started to cry into my pillow. I heard my phone buzz again but I ignored it. I couldnt deal with it anymore. I held my pillow and cried the rest of the night till I finally cried myself into a dark sleep.

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