Music video

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Emily's pov:

"Wow look at you!" Everyone said in unison excitedly as I wheeled in $2,000 worth of equipment for the making of the music video. I just smiled as I saw everyone in their groups working hard to make this work. With the money Greer had, I bought a drum set, professional microphones with stands, an HD video camera, big speakers for surround sound, a green screen so Caleb and Artie could use it to make cool backgrounds, lights, etc. I was out at stores for about an hour and a half or two so I decided to see what everyone has come up with so far. "Hows the song comin?" I asked Rachel and Spencer as I started to set up the equipment. Spencer was just staring intently at the notepad in front of them, Rachel just laughed and looked up at me. "It's goin great... But smarty pants over here is making sure we are using "proper english and the right literary techinques" meanwhile it's a song." Rachel said as she turned to Spencer who still hasnt looked up from the lyrics they wrote down so far. "Jeez Spence... Can you say exaggeration? Or should I say, hyperbole? Songs arent supposed to be gramatically correct. What music do you listen to, your grandmas old records?" I asked jokingly. Spencer finally looked up, "listen, David Starkey. I just want to make sure the song makes sense." Spencer said to me. "David Star- who the hell is David Star-kin...?" I ask, questioning the last name. Spencer just looked back up at me with a "seriously" expression in her eyes. "He's a historian.. Known for his radio and television personality... He was a sarcastic person and you're being a smartass so... Starkey I shall call you." Spence said with a light chuckle at the last sentence. I just rolled my eyes and continued to set up equipment. I was setting up the green screen on the wall, when Britt came running up to me. Her and Mike were outside, going through choreography. "Woah, Britt where's the fire?" I asked as I stepped back, a little startled at how fast she approached me. She just laughed and pulled out her phone, showing me a video on her iphone of a dance her and Mike came up with. "Wow.. This is really good. Has Santana seen how amazing her wife can put together some choreography?" I asked with a smile. I didnt give her a group. Since it's her house, or was her house, she's just cleaning around to make sure it's neat for the video. Plus, cleaning is a way to deal with stress and she's still worried about Brenna. I mean, I am too... She is just as much my cousin as Santana is. "She will... In the video." Britt said with proudness in her voice as she skipped off to go back outside. Once I finished setting up the greenscreen, I found Artie and Caleb and they had a whole video editor set up on Caleb's new laptop. "Hey guys, I bought the greenscreen and lights you said would be useful for ideas you have and it's set up." I said as I walked into the room they were in. "Alright, cool. Thanks Em." Caleb said smiling. I just nodded and went to go back to setting stuff up all around the house when I felt someone grab me from behind and push me against the wall. "Ali." I said with a smile as she kept me pinned to the wall. "I missed you." She said as she brought her lips to mine. Her hands roamed up to my cheeks and she made the kiss more passionate. Once we broke it we pressed our foreheads together. "I missed you more. How's workin with Quinn and Mercedes with the attitude for the video?" I asked as I took her hand in mine and started tracing circles with my fingers on her hand. "It's fun. I really like Quinn, we sorta have a lot in common. I missed her when she left Rosewood." Ali replied. "Dont make me get jealous." I joked. "If anyone should be jealous, it's everyone here. My girlfriend is the hottest and sweetest girl in the world." Ali said back. "Damn.. Looks like I have quite the competition. What's this chick look like." I joked again. Ali just smiled and pushed me back against the wall. "A lot like you." She whispered seductivley in my ear before she connected our lips. Just then we were interrupted. "Okay Em, I know I'm cleaning the house, but I am not cleaning anything off any sheets. So watch it you two." Santana said with a laugh. "Wow way to ruin the moment cuz." I said as I turned towards her. She just smirked and walked away. "Guess that's our cue... I should probably get back to setting stuff up." I said to Ali. "Can I help you?" Ali asked with a cute pout. "Shouldnt you be with Quinn and Mercedes?" I asked. "We finished, that's why I came looking for you." Ali replied. "Okay, lets go cutie." I said as I took her hand and went back to the living room area. "What's that smell?" I said as I scrunched up my nose. Just then Quinn came out of the kitchen holding a garbage can. "Greer just puked again." She said as she tied the garbage bag up to dispose of it. "Where did she go?" Ali asked. "Mercedes brought her upstairs to the bathroom." Quinn replied. Ali and I just nodded and went back to setting stuff up. "Wow this is a nice drumset." Ali said as she admired the gold drums. "Guess I have good taste... I mean, Alison DiLaurentis is my girlfriend so I must." I said as I kissed her cheek. "You're such a dork." She said as she blushed. "Yeah, but I'm your dork." I replied. Just then I plugged in all of the microphones and set them up. Ali lightly smiled and moved the speakers against the wall and plugged them in, causing a loud, screeching sound to fill the house. Everyone covered their ears with a flinch from being startled. That's when Kurt and Blaine ran into the room... "What the hell is that?! Are you trying to scare us to death?! We have to be alive for this video to work!" Kurt yelled as Blaine still held his ears. Ali just quickly unplugged the speaker and turned back to them. "Sorry.." She muttered. "It's cool.. Just may need to check my hearing later... Could be deaf, No big deal." Blaine joked as he followed Kurt back to where him, Hanna and Aria were all designing clothes. I just turned to Ali once they left and we both started laughing.
--------2 hours later-------------
Everything was finally in order. Rachel and Spence finished the song, Aria, Hanna, Kurt and Blaine made original outfits for the people that'd be singing/dancing in the video, which we decided would be Aria, Ali, Rachel, and Blaine singing and Mike and Britt dancing. I finished setting everything up around the house with the help of Ali and Greer, once Mercedes and Quinn helped her feel a little better. "Why cant we all be in the video?" Hanna complained. "Well-for one, you have a broken leg so you wouldnt be able to dance anyway, and two, there are too many of us here. Having that many people singing in a music video is just too much." I replied. Hanna just looked down with a look of dissapointment. "Hey.. I have an idea." Spencer said. "Everyone can be in the video. Who says they have to sing or dance? They can just be in the background of takes to make the video more lively. That way, the song wont have too many different voices and everyone still gets to be in it. Plus, there is extra original clothing that everyone could slip on so we wouldnt be disregarding the contest rules." Spence finished. "Yes! See, my bestie knows what she's talkin about." Hanna said with an over dramatic smile plastered across her face. I just looked towards Caleb and Artie and they shrugged at the idea, "why not, we all worked hard on this." Caleb said. "Yay! So it's settled." Hanna stated. "Guess it is." I said with a smile. Just then Aria, Mike, Britt, Ali, Rachel, and Blaine walked into the room fully changed into their outfits. Blaine was wearing a gray blazer with black buttons along with a plaine white shirt under it for casuality with black skinny jeans and black converse to match, designed by himself. Rachel was wearing a grey shirt with white sleeves and white skinny jeans and boots to match, designed by Hanna. Ali was wearing a thin, see through shirt that was peach colored at the top and faded into an ocean blue color at the bottom with white skinny jeans to match, designed by Kurt. Aria was wearing an open denim piece with a white tanktop under it and black skinny jeans to go with it, along with a black cowgirl hat, which she designed herself. Britt and Mike were both wearing a black and white flannel with a white tank under it which Hanna and Aria worked on together. "Lookin good." I commented. Just then I walked over to Ali and kissed her cheek. "Lovin the see through." I whispered with a smirk, apparently I didnt whisper low enough cause Kurt heard. "Your welcome." Kurt joked, being the designer of the lovely shirt. "Ok guys we should start filming this video soon so why doesnt everyone else find something and put it on so we can get this done." Artie said. I just nodded and followed Hanna and everyone to choose one of the originally designed outfits.

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