Chapter Forty: Feelings? Lo-Love?

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Y/n POV:

Sora's been helping me a bunch, and thanks to him I've been able to finish things a lot quicker, which to me means that I get longer breaks. (A/n: There is a 90% chance that this is false in real life)

"Yo! Y/n-sensei!"

Oh yeah, after about a month or so Sora started to call me Y/n-sensei. It was kind of adorable the day he asked me if it was alright.



I looked up from my work in progress of a manuscript to see Sora looking down and blushing slightly. I would be lying if I said that I didn't want to take a photo of them like this, but I didn't out of respect.

"What is it Sora-kun?"

They began to twiddle their thumbs before looking up at me with a serious look on their face. It sort of caught me off guard, and I could tell that my eyes widened a little bit.

"C-Can I start calling you Y/n-sensei? Since I'm your assistant that is, and it seems like it'd be a bit more friendly and comfortable compared to calling you Y/n-san. Is that alright?"

I sort of just froze the moment they called me sensei. You see, if you hadn't guessed already, I have a sort of weakness to being called with the honorific sama or sensei. It's just the feeling of knowing that I'm in a higher position of power than the other person that makes me love it so much.

After a few seconds of silence I stood up and gave their head a small pat with a rather large smile on my face.

"That sounds great! Call me Y/n-sensei from now on."

It didn't take long before Sora started smiling as well.

~End Flashback~

I am currently on a sort of mini break now actually, and so I was a tad bit confused as to why Sora was here today. Of course I had a small thought about the fact that my breaks have now been shortened because of how well I've been doing, but I was sort of hoping that this wasn't the case.

"Why're you here today Sora-kun? I thought you only came by when there's a deadline coming up."

They let out a small nervous chuckle when I said that before pulling out what seemed to be two tickets to an amusement park I've been hearing about recently.

"Well, I won these tickets to Akatsuka Land, and all of my friends are too busy. So, I was wondering if you'd like to go with me...?"

I thought about it for a few moments while they awkwardly waited for me to answer them. They seemed really nervous for some reason, so it made me wonder if it was a trap of some sort.

"How much will I be spending? Because I heard that Akatsuka Land is fairly expensive."

I saw visible sweat while they waved their arms around while explaining how they were planning to pay for everything. This part is what surprised me the most, but I didn't think about it too much.

'Free stuff!? Alright!'

"Alright! When are we heading out?"

They seemed really happy to hear this, and it made me smile while they checked their phone while talking about what he had set up for today.

"Perfect. Good thing I decided to actually change into some decent clothes for today. Wanna head out now?"

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now