Chapter Nine: A Nice Surprise(edited)

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Y/n POV:


I woke up with an ache in both my arms and neck so I tried to move my arms to stretch until I realized that I couldn't move them.

"Ah. That's right, Franziska tied me up." I was able to sit up, but I wasn't able to find Franziska anywhere.

'Great. Just great. How am I supposed to get these ropes off now?' Just then there was a knock on the door 'Is it Franziska? No, she would have just walked in.'

"Are you awake my Karamatsu girl~?"

My eyes widened when I found out who it was. 'Why Karamatsu, why?!' "Yeah, I'm up, but don't-"

I was about to say don't come in, but Karamatsu already did just that.

"Y-Y/n?! Why are you tied up? Do you want me to untie you?" I knew that I would have been a stuttering mess if I tried to talk because of how embarrassed I was so I just nodded my head while looking away in embarrassment.

He walked over to where I was and then quickly untied me. I let out a sigh of relief until I realized that I had to use the bathroom.

I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom as I thanked Karamatsu on my way out.

"*sigh*That was close. I should take a shower too now that I think about it." Once I was done with taking my morning shower I wrapped a towel around myself with my clothes in my hand as I walked back to my room.

I closed the door behind me and put my dirty clothes away as I got a new outfit. I picked out a shirt with my favorite band on it, and some denim jeans to match.

As for shoes, I just picked out the ones that I usually wore. As I was taking off my towel I felt like something was off so I looked around the room and saw that Karamatsu was standing there with a nosebleed and blush on his face.

"Get out!"

I punch him in the gut, sending him out of the room while blushing like crazy from how embarrassed I was. 'Way too close!'

"Geez. What would have happened if I didn't check? You know what? I don't want to know. I should just get changed and then make some breakfast for myself and anyone else that wants it. Except for Fran."

I put on my clothes, and fed and precious Titus before I walk out of my room and downstairs to where the kitchen is so that I could make myself, and maybe others, some breakfast to start the day with.

"I'm too hungry to even care what I make. Let's just go with eggs, bacon, and toast. It shouldn't take too long, and I can eat everything bit by bit once it's finished."

Of course I was hungry, I mean I was tied up and didn't really know how to stand up, so I wasn't able to eat or do anything.

When I say eat everything bit by bit I mean that once the toast was done I was eating that while finishing the eggs, and when that was done I was eating those while I finished cooking the bacon, and then finally ate that once I was finished with them.

I only ever did this when I am really hungry and don't have the patience to wait for everything to be finished before I can eat anything.

I sighed in satisfaction about the fact that I wasn't hungry anymore. I decided to do the dishes too because I was bored, and that I agreed to doing them from time to time.

'Wait. I wonder since Franziska is here for a little while if I can have her do some stuff as well. Preferably mine. Speaking of Franziska... where is she? I hope she didn't decide to go out and explore because she'll probably end up getting lost.'

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now