Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Assistant

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Y/n POV:

It's been around a week since I've recovered, and Ren had given me a call about me getting an assistant after the whole 'deadline crisis' that had happened, which I was very excited about by the way. Well, not the reason, but you get what I mean.

I had to confirm about me actually getting an assistant though, and when it was I was beyond happy. I personally want to call them an apprentice, but Ren didn't like that idea.

She then went on to say that they would show up at where I'm living this weekend to learn how I do things, and guess what today is? If you guessed the weekend then you are correct! Are you ready for you're prize?

Too bad! Because all I got for you is saying that you did good job at guessing lol!

Speaking of them coming today, I am currently cleaning like crazy so as to not seem like a slob. I also made sure that there wouldn't be any....distractions. Especially six identical distractions...

I had just finished cleaning and setting everything up when someone showed up. When I saw that the person had a bag full of supplies with them I gasped before running to the door.

When I opened the door I couldn't help but look like I was holding myself back from hugging them.

'I was already happy that I was going to get an assistant, but finding out that it's my personal number one fan makes it even better!'

That's right. It's the same guy that was had showed up at the Nyaa Chan concert and manga/book signing. The same guy with the blond hair and brown eyes that had sprinted into my room when they found out that I wasn't doing too well too lol!

He seemed really happy when he saw me too, and it made me feel even happier!

"I'm so glad that I'm able to be your assistant Y/n-san. I'll make sure to not let you down!"

He bowed before smiling back up at me. It seemed like he was radiating the light of the sun itself with his smile alone. Looking at it made me feel like my personal battery was fully recharged after all of the cleaning and staying up I did.

'Wow...I all of a sudden feel rejuvenated...that's kind of weird.'

"Let me lead you to my workspace. It's also my room though, so I hope that you don't mind." (Forgot that they had already been to their room when saying this)

I turned around so that I could move out of the way, and when I did a small blush started to make its way onto his face.

When we made it to my very professional workspace, that is most definitely not just my room that I redecorated today, Titus ended up running into his little cat box.

"Ah! I forgot to ask! You're not allergic to cats, are you?"

I turned around, only to see him staring in awe at where Titus is.

"Huh? Oh! Uh...No. I'm not allergic. I'm actually a cat person with three cats of my own at home."

He was bashfully smiling while saying this, and somehow I felt even better when hearing this.

"That's perfect! Oh! You can set your stuff over here by the way. Would you like me to make you some tea before we start?"

He seemed a bit flustered, but smiled and nodded his head before looking back at where Titus is.

Miya wasn't here today due to her spending the day with Nyaa Chan since she had a sort of mini day off. Both of them seemed happy by this too, so I couldn't say no.

Nyaa Chan even took a photo with Miya not too long ago to show that she was happy. That photo is now my background by the way.

Sora put what he brought with him on my desk before organizing everything. I was pretty surprised with how much he had too, and I was also touched to see that he brought the first volume with him. It looked like he put bookmarks on certain spots too.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now