Chapter Three: A Tragic Past(Edited)

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(The picture is of my lovely Titus. I figured that it would be better for you to know what he looked liked, and I also just wanted to share this lovely photo.)

3rd POV:


"Uhgg. What time is it?" Y/n says as she looks at her phone.

"5:00 AM. Guess I forgot to get rid of my alarms once I was out of school after all. Dammit. Well, I can't go to sleep now so I might as well get up."

Y/n slowly gets up, and slowly gets dressed into some jeans and a t-shirt. "Good thing I have a hand mirror. It'd be bad if I had to guess if my hair looked alright."

The h/c girl got out her brush and toothbrush with toothpaste and began her morning routine. (A/n: I don't know your routine so how can I write it?)

Y/n's POV:

Downstairs in the kitchen:

*yawn* "How 'bout I make an English breakfast for today? I could even make extras for when they wake up." 'And I already know where everything that I need is too thanks to Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu!'

"Let's see...eggs? Check. Pancakes shaped like animals? (Cause why not?) double check. Bacon? Check. Should I do sausages? Might as well. I mean lots of people like them."

I'm almost done with making the rest of the pancakes when someone starts.. shouting...? "HUSTLE HUSTLE! MUSCLE MUSCLE!!"
'What is Jyushimatsu doing this early? Looks like I'm done too. Maybe we can have breakfast together?'

"Good morning Jyushimatsu!" I say with a smile on my face "Want to have some breakfast with me? I just finished making everything, and I made extras for everyone else too."

Jyushimatsu quickly nods his head in agreement and walks over in what looks like a baseball uniform. We both sit down, and I couldn't help but be curious and ask about it. "Do you play baseball?" 'Stupid. Of course he does.'

"Yup! Do you want to practice with me?" He had a huge smile on his face while eating, and it looks like he really wants me to say yes.

"Sure! Why not? I'm a bit rusty though because of how long it's been since I've played, so don't expect the best. How long are you intending to practice for?" I was starting to get pretty pumped up.

I mean who wouldn't when you haven't played one of your favorite sports for almost a decade? 'Ok. Maybe I'm a little more than rusty now that I think about it...'

"4:00/16:00 is when I usually finish, but we can practice longer if you want!" He had more energy than I expected so I was starting to fully wake up which I silently thanked Jyushimatsu for.

"That's fine. Just let me make us some bentos for lunch, okay? I wouldn't want to have you be hungry while practicing. Because believe me when I say it sucks when that happens. Especially before a big game. ...*sigh* I kinda miss my old team."

My smile falters for a second, but I quickly cover it up by just laughing it off, but I think Jyushimatsu noticed because he put a hand on my back as I was getting the bentos.

It was almost like he was saying "it's okay to miss them" and it made me smile while I finished getting the bentos.

"Thanks Jyushimatsu. So, where are we heading off to?" Jyushimatsu then retracts his hand and responds with a huge smile on his face.

"It's a surprise! I always practice there!" He then grabbed my hand and a bat and ran outside while I try to steady the bentos.

'If I die no one will know where I went. Hopefully this guy is as nice as he seems.'

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now