Chapter Fifteen: Mr. and Mrs. Matsuno!?

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Y/n POV:

Franziska had sent me a photo that someone must have taken of her family once they had all arrived at her aunt's place in Germany.

'I remember when she only had one niece and two nephews, and they were so little back then. Now look at them. They're teens now! God I'm so old now. I don't care if I'm actually 23. I feel a lot older than that.'

I had finished making the sweater and phone cases thanks to my ability to pull all-nighters. I don't feel as tired as I usually do (most likely due to how often I do this) so I decided to wrap everything up as well.

Halfway though wrapping everything the front door opened. 'It's already morning? Welp. That definitely sucks.'

"We're back! You NEETs better not have made a mess of things while we were away."


I just stood there frozen in place when hearing this. After a few seconds I had gained enough courage to see who it was.

Once we had seen each other all of us showed and shared looks of shock and surprise. "What's a girl doing here?! Don't tell me, are you perhaps one of my sons girlfriend?"

I blushed and shook my head at who I now know is Mrs. Matsuno. This made me guess that the man next to her must be Mr. Matsuno.

"Uh, no. I'm not. A little bit over a week ago I found a flyer that said that this place was looking for a roommate. I'm sorry, but please let me stay here. I don't have anywhere else to go! I have a well paying job, and can pay for rent to live here. So please let me stay!" I bow down, and both of their eyes had softened at what I had offered.

"That's so sweet of you, but you don't have to pay for rent. Just making sure to help around the house is enough dear. Now, an every now and again gift might be nice of course, but you don't have to."

I looked up at her, and started to tear up from her kindness. "T-Thank you so much! You won't regret this I swear! Oh, and my name is Y/n L/n. You probably don't remember me, but I used to live down the street when your sons and I were kids."

Her eyes widened a bit at my name, but then gave me sympathetic eyes. "Of course I remember you Y/n. I'm so sorry about what had happened to your mother." I thanked her, and that was when I heard multiple footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I apologize in advance for what I'm about to do Mrs. Matsuno." She looked a little bit confused, but then understood what I meant when she saw who had finally showed up.

"So, let's see now. First, you ask for me to be your roommate, and then I find out that only one of you has a job. Second, I find out that you never help out around the house, and were actually expecting me to do everything. And now we come down to number three. You never told me that this house still belongs to your parents. You also never mentioned that you still lived with them, and that they were only going to temporarily be gone."

I had a blank look on my face while facing the six sweating sextuplets. "Now, what kind of punishment should I give you for doing all of that? I think this should be enough."

I started to walk up to their room, and they just looked at me confused until they realize what I was doing, but it was already too late.

I had grabbed all of Osomatsu's magazines and videos, all of Karamatsu's sunglasses and contacts, Choromatsu's Nyaa Chan merch, and Totty's hat.

I couldn't bring myself to take anything from Jyushimatsu because it would feel like stealing from a kid, and I couldn't take anything from Ichimatsu because most of the stuff he owned was for cats, and it would just feel wrong to take things from cats.

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