Chapter Thirty-Six: Cats?

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Y/n POV:

Today was a day like any other, and I had just finished getting ready for the day.

I was hoping that I could go shopping with Todomatsu today so I decided to text him.


Hey, Totty? Do you want to go shopping with me?

I waited a few minutes, but it seemed like he didn't even read it.

"That's weird. He usually answers within a few minutes...or he'd at least read the text if he was upset."

I was looking at my phone with slight worry sense this was unusual for him.

After a few seconds I decided to call him out of worry of what might have happened to him. I was pacing outside of my room, and that's when I heard Todomatsu's ringtone.

I felt my stomach churn when I heard the phone go to voicemail, so I decided to hurry to where I heard his ringtone, which just so happened to be in their room.

"Totty? Are you here?"

I looked around the empty room until I saw his phone on the ground. That definitely made my anxiety start to show and wake up.

"Sorry Totty, but I really need to confirm something."

I picked up the phone, and turned it on to see multiple notifications, making my heart race from panic.

'There's no way he would leave his phone behind, and with this many notifications I can only think one thing.'

"To-Todomatsu? Please tell me that this is some joke or prank."

I continued to panic, and even started to cry until a paw touched my leg, making my mind go blank for a second.

When I looked down I saw a white cat with pink paws, ears, and mouth.


'Why does it have pink fur?'

"That's not the problem here Y/n! Todomatsu might have been kidnapped, and all you can think about is why a cat has pink fur?! Wait....kidnapped?"

I was now on my knees, and the white and pink cat was trying to get my attention, but my mind was somewhere else.

"Dammit...please be okay Todomatsu, and please tell me that everyone else is okay."

I started to cry even more, and my vision went completely blurry so I just closed my eyes.

That was when I felt what seemed to be a cat's tongue lick my tears away, which made me later open my eyes to see the same white and pink cat in front of me.

The cat's face reminded me of Todomatsu, and that made me carefully hug the cat closer to me while holding back more tears.

"Why do you have to look like him? Your cute face, and your big and perfectly colored eyes...God....if Todomatsu was a cat he'd definitely look like you."

The cat jumped out of my arms while meowing at me after I said that. They kept pointing at Todomatsu's phone and then itself.

" That's not possible. Eheh...heh. Yeah. There's no way that Todomatsu actually turned into a cat. If that was true then....meow once if you aren't, and meow twice if you are Todomatsu."

The cat meowed twice, and then tried to pick up the phone, making me fall onto my back.

"Kill me now. I was tempted to adopt the cat version of Todomatsu....and I admitted to him being cute. God...but how does that even happen?!"

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now