Chapter Thirty-Two: The Accident...

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Y/n POV:

I've been living with the Matsuno's for over six months now. We laughed, joked around, and had a bunch of fun together.

Of course there were some serious moments, but it has been mainly fun times so far.

Sadly, those fun times seem to be coming to an end due to one fatal incident that has happened today.....

Oh! Sorry! I guess I should explain what I'm talking about. Right? You see, it all started when I left the house early in the morning to go and buy some pancakes because I was too lazy.

Who would have thought that that would have happened while I was gone?

~Flashback to Earlier Today~

"I don't really feel like cooking anything today...."

I was slightly glaring at the kitchen due to certain reasons involving my laziness.

'Don't guilt me by leaving the pan on the stove! I need to look away, but it looks so tempting.. No! I mustn't give in!'

I shook my head, and looked over at the front door when an idea came to mind. A very tasty one too if I do say so myself.

'That's right! A new pancake house opened up! I heard that it serves cute little pancakes with different shapes and designs too! I'll go there for breakfast.'

I went back up to my room and grabbed my wallet/purse after feeding Titus and filling up his water bowl. (I personally don't like purses, but I don't judge if other people do.)

I decided to leave a note on the table saying where I was going just in case something were to happen of course. I mean, knowing the people living here something is bound to happen lol!

As I was walking to my destination I saw a cute little kitten in an alleyway, and my heart completely melted at just one single glance.

'Awww~ It's so small and adorable~!'

It looked like it had smoky grey hair, but it had twigs and leaves mixed in. It looked like it was starving too which made my heart sink.

'How could someone do this to such an adorable little kitten T^T'

Of course I couldn't just leave it there so I slowly inched my way towards the kitten while trying not scare it off.

Thankfully it didn't run away, and lucky for both of us I brought some cat treats with me.

'Thank goodness I picked up this habit. I made sure to carry extra after I noticed how many strays there were around here. This one looks like it's only a few weeks old though... It doesn't want to eat either.. Ahhhh T-T!'

"*mumble* Please don't let me regret this....Sorry little fella, but I need to bring you to a vet to make sure you're alright."

I was able to pick up the kitten, but it of course mewed and tried getting away.

'It's so small T-T I can fit it in only one of my hands too.'

When I reached the vet the lady behind the counter gasped. Not that I could blame her. I mean, the poor little kitten was so malnourished and dirty it could make anyone cry T-T.

"I found this little guy in an alleyway. Do you think you can check for any possible worms, or problems? I tried feeding it, but it doesn't want to eat." I had clear worry plastered on my face, and the lady led me into a room.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now