Chapter Thirty-Three: Karaoke

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Y/n POV:

Today was a fun day like any other, and it was even better now because I had just turned in the chapter that was due today.

Thanks to that I now sort of have the rest of the day off for myself which I absolutely love.

Now, what might I be doing with this free time you ask? Why, I decided to take a nap of course! I mean, why shouldn't I after all of the all nighters I spent drawing and writing for my manga?

I was in the middle of preparing for my nap when I was interrupted by six identical nap interrupting Matsunos.

"Hey Y/n-chan! Have you tried karaoke before?"

I groaned, and reluctantly turned over while lightly glaring at them for ruining my nap, but I decided to answer them anyway.

"Only once, and it was a long time ago. Why do you ask?"

I regretted asking that as soon as my blanket was pulled off of me. "Then let's go right now! Todomatsu found this really good place that's not too far from here."

I once again groaned from irritation, and tried to grab the blanket from Osomatsu, but he just held it above his head which made me give up and just lay down without a blanket.

"I was hoping that it would just be you and me that went, but then they found out."

Todomatsu was slightly glaring at his brothers while saying this, but they just had a blank look on their face while looking ahead.

"Today is my free day, and I was planning on taking a nap. If you really want me to go though then you'll have to carry me."

And much to my dissatisfaction they did. Well, Jyushimatsu did, and I was just too lazy to try and break loose so I just accepted my fate while they cheered and started to walk to where Todomatsu had suggested.

Once we had situated ourselves in our seats in the karaoke room I had fully regained my strength, and it was time to decide who should sing first.

'I've actually never been to one of these. the only time I did karaoke was for a friend's birthday, and they had their own karaoke machine.'

"So, I vote on me going last because my voice is awful. Who wants to go first?"

I made sure to claim the last spot for myself because I definitely knew that I wasn't a good singer. I still question why Nyaa Chan asks me to sing with her because of that too.

"That's not true Y/n-chan! When you were singing with Nyaa Chan your voice was almost as lovely as her's!"

I started to sweat a little bit at Choromatsu's words while awkwardly smiling and waving my hands in disagreement.

"Eheh. Thank you for thinking so Choromatsu, but my voice really isn't that good. Oh, how about you go first Choromatsu?"

Choromatsu froze on the spot when I suggested this, and his brothers started to persuade him into going first like I was because they didn't want to sing yet.

I was kind of surprised that Karamatsu was also trying to get Choromatsu to sing first, but I just shrugged it off.

"Fine! I'll go first! But I get to choose who goes next." We all agreed to Choromatsu's terms and handed him the tablet to choose his song.

I could hear him cursing under his breath while grabbing the karaoke mic though which made me laugh a little bit.

A few seconds and breaths later the song started, and Choromatsu began to sing.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now