Chapter Fourteen: Shopping For the Holidays (edited)

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Y/n POV:

"I'm sorry Y/n, but I have to leave now." Franziska said this with a blank look on her face as she started to walk away into a black abyss. My throat felt clogged up as I tried to call out to her.

"Wait! Don't go-

*beep beep*

*beep beep*


I immediately sat up, and for some reason I was covered in sweat and gasping.

'Bad dream I guess. I always hate when I can't remember anything after waking up when I know I had a good or bad dream.'

I woke Franziska up with either my alarm clock or myself (probably a mix of both).

"What's wrong Y/n? *yawn* it's not even-oh. I guess it is, but still. What's wrong?" I shook my head and just got up and prepared to start my day.

I knew that Franziska had to leave soon, but I felt like there was something else that that dream was supposed to mean.

"I can't remember what I dreamed about." I got my outfit for today, and then started to walk to the bathroom to change.

'It's almost Christmas. I should go Christmas shopping for everyone. Maybe I could get their parents a gift? I don't know what they like though... I'll just give them some money. Speaking of money....Osomatsu never came back to me asking for the part of his that he had me hold onto. I'll just give his parents that money saying that it's from all of us.'

I nod at my excellent plan, and begin to walk back to my room afterwards. I was finally done with all of those dates so I now had a day to myself which was really nice.

'I know I should be doing more job hunting but I'm sure I could still look whole shopping, right?'

Either way I ended up skipping breakfast because I was too excited to go Christmas shopping. I just knew that they would love my gifts. Well, they better love my gifts would be more accurate.

I was heading out the door until I thought that I should at least make breakfast for everyone else. I decided to make them a traditional Japanese breakfast since Franziska hasn't had one yet. At least I don't think she has.

'She should like it. At least I hope she will.' I started to sweat a bit at the thought of her not liking it, but then realized that she pretty much eats anything and everything.

I made sure that I have my wallet and phone and then left. I didn't want them to worry about me so I also put a note saying that I'm going to be gone for a while to look around.

After placing the note on the table I put on my shoes and made sure to open and close the door behind me.

'I still can't believe that I live with the people I wanted to be my first friends.' I smile and then look at the house, but my smile fades a little bit as I look at the house closer.

'Now that I really look at it it's the same house that they lived in before. That means that this is their parents place. Does that mean...No. No, that can't be right.' I shake my head and walk off while thinking of something else. After all, would they really be the type to put their parents in an elderly home?

'Actually.....knowing them they might just do that.... But wow. To think that it's already winter is kinda crazy.' I think this, but the coldness in the air, and the snow falling from the sky only proves that Christmas really is just around the corner.

I walk up to an electronics store, and I'm welcomed by a bell that was put on the door once I had stepped inside after opening said door.

"Welcome! What might you be looking for today?" A lady in a black uniform asked me. She had tan skin and long brown hair that was put up into a ponytail.

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