Chapter Four: Welcome Fran!(Edited)

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Y/n POV:

"Here we are! Oh! Uh, do you speak Japanese? I have some roommates that I live with here, and I don't know if they know that much English." I say as I grab Franziska's stuff and put away my bike.

"I do actually. It was a choice at my university to learn it so I did. I figured that I might need to knowing you, and looks like I was right. Though my English is better of course."

I grab the back of my neck with my right hand and look up towards the left, away from where Franziska was whole laughing slightly. "Heh. Yeah, good thing you do know too. Whew! I thought I would have to translate the whole trip."

"Now you know how I felt having to translate for my Oma and Opa when they would visit us in America, and also some of my other relatives in Germany too." 'I almost forgot that she had to do that for a quick second there.'

Franziska is German. She used to pull pranks on another friend of ours by only speaking German the whole day. She didn't even know what Guten Tag or Guten Morgen meant. It means good day and good morning btw.

"Do they like dogs?" Franziska says, gesturing towards her lovely dog that I got her for her birthday. "Hopefully." I say while looking up to where their room is with a nervous smile.

"Lets head inside, shall we?" I say as I open the door and bow to her. "Ha! That we shall!" We walk in, and I bring her stuff into my room.

Once I come down I see her looking around with wide eyes full of curiosity and awe. "It's different than houses in America, right?" I say as I walk up to her.

"You got that right. I can't believe you grew up in a place like this one. Anyway, where're your roommates Y/n? Can I see them now, or are they still working?" Franziska asks as she begins to walk upstairs.

"They should be in their room. Let's go!" I grab Franziska's hand and lead her to the sextuplets's room with the smile of an excited child.

"Hello! This is the friend that will teach us how to bake!" I say as I open the door. There was only Ichimatsu and Karamatsu though which made me sweat a little bit. 'Oh boy. I kind of wonder how this will turn out.'

"They're twins?"

"Well, sort of, how about we stop speaking only English so they can easily understand us a bit better? I don't think they're able to completely understand us my friend." I say nudging my head towards the confused Cat lover and Karamatsu.

"Sorry! I'm not used to not speaking English around Y/n. My name is Franziska. I'm Y/n's best friend. It's nice to meet you guys." She says as she puts her hand out to shake.

Karamatsu just starts to walk over in his leather jacket and sunglasses, and by the look on his face I could guess what was about to happen, and it was making me tense up a little bit.

'Oh don't do it Karamatsu. I don't want to hear her reaction.' Karamatsu pulls out a rose like he did yesterday and hands it to her. "Why hello there my Karamatsu girls~ It's a shame that the others can't be here to witness your beauty, but I feel truly blessed to have an angel be brought into my presence like this."

Karamatsu then shows off his tank top with a picture of his face on it. "He's so painful to listen to isn't he? It's like if Shakespeare tried to make cheesy pick up lines." Franziska says as she cringes.

"Woah! You're right! How did I not notice that earlier?" I was holding my stomach as I just kept laughing as I imagined a Shakespearean Karamatsu mixed person.

By now I was on the ground crying from laughter, and Ichimatsu and Karamatsu were curious as to what Franziska had said to make me laugh so much.
"What did you say to make her laugh like this?" Ichimatsu said as he brought down his mask.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now