Chapter Nineteen: Deadline/The Start of a New Me

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Y/n POV:

I woke up, but later hissed when the bright light went into my eyes, temporarily blinding me due to how bright it was.

I was able to slowly get up after remembering that I have to remove my barricade that I had made yesterday, and looked at what should be a barricade, but what I saw was that my room was completely normal.

It was almost like yesterday had never happened, and it made me start to wonder if all of that was a super weird dream.

'Didn't I barricade it with my desk?' I looked behind me, and there was my desk. With her sitting in it.

"So, you finally decided to wake up. Are you sure you can sleep in like this when you have a deadline coming up? It looks like you've barely worked on it." She picked up my work in progress, and waved it in my face while smirking.

"First off, how long have you been watching me sleep? And two, how did you get in here with my desk there? Also, what the hell are you doing back here you creep."

I should probably tell you her name, but I don't want to. Okay fine I will. It's-

"To answer that I was here since 6:00 in the morning, and I came in from your window. I'm far from a creep by the way. Now hurry up and get to working. We're already behind schedule."

I pulled out my phone to check the time, and it read 12:00 in the afternoon. 'She's been watching me for six hours? How is that not creepy? If it isn't then what is creepy to her? You know what? I don't think I really want to know the answer to that question.'

I just walked past her and fed Titus. "Let me get ready for the day at least. Did you already eat, or did you actually stay here watching me the whole time?"

I had hoped that she would have said that she did leave my room to at least eat, but that was sadly not the case. "I guess I am a little hungry, but we should eat after you finish this."

After she said that her stomach growled, and she turned red faced and held her stomach while looking clearly embarrassed about the fact that her stomach just growled.

'So she really was watching me the whole time. I did not need to know that information now that I think about it.'

I grabbed her hand, and started to walk downstairs to the kitchen while I brushed my hair. "Sit and tell me what you want to eat. If you don't then I won't do anything about that stupid deadline."

I may not like her, but I'm too much of a softie to let someone stay hungry.

When she told me what she wanted it sort of pissed me off because she was acting like she was at a five star restaurant with a private chef. She wasn't even trying to be polite.

"Oh, and make sure that it actually tastes good. I have a feeling that it won't though, so you can just feed it to your cat or those weirdos that you live with."

I was this close to punching her after hearing that. I had jumped at her with my fist inches away from her face before Jyushimatsu pulled me away.


No one insults my cooking. No one. At least no one that you can talk to anymore.

I was going to defend against what she said about the Matsunos, but she wasn't necessarily wrong, yet at the same time she was, so I just let that be.

Once I had calmed down Jyushimatsu let me go. "Thanks Jyushimatsu, and just so you know I'm going to make the best damn food you've ever tasted right here and now, and you'll be begging for more once I'm done. You got that Ren?"

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now