Chapter Twenty-Three: Our Past Selves?!?!

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Y/n POV:

Choromatsu and Todomatsu had disguises on, and were currently hiding behind an apple cart in front of the high school while the rest of us were getting our disguises.

Choromatsu wore a white mask and green scarf on top of his hoodie, Todomatsu had a pink scarf covering his mouth and a brown beanie. They were the first two to put on their disguises. The rest of us then came out.

Jyushimatsu had his baseball uniform on, Osomatsu looked like a hobo, Ichimatsu had a cat mask and ears, Karamatsu just took off his hoodie and put on a blue helmet, and then I just put on a black mask (Tokyo ghoul) and put my hood up to hide my hair.

Jyushimatsu had his baseball uniform on, Osomatsu looked like a hobo, Ichimatsu had a cat mask and ears, Karamatsu just took off his hoodie and put on a blue helmet, and then I just put on a black mask (Tokyo ghoul) and put my hood up to hide my hair

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"Wait, wait, wait! Why are you dressed like that? That'll just bring more attention to us!" I pulled down my mask so that I could speak after hearing this. "My face is covered though, and besides, it's not that noticeable."

They just looked at me with blank faces that said 'It's totally noticeable' This made me pout a little bit while avoiding eye contact as I thought about wether I should get rid of the mask.

"Fine. I'll get rid of the mask." I sighed and slowly took off the Tokyo Ghoul style mask.

Then it was Karamatsu's turn to explain. "You can't see my face with this on sense it covers my face." Karamatsu then knocked on the side of the helmet.

"Your face is right there on your shirt for the world to see! Everyone will know that it's you!"

In the end we all just wore our hoodies. Karamatsu had a black hat with some blue on it, Jyushimatsu kept his baseball cap, and Osomatsu had a white mask on. I just had the hood of my hoodie up now with a f/c mask.

"It feels really creepy to meet our past selves." I nodded along in agreement with Jyushimatsu and Osomatsu as I continued to look forward.

"What choice do we have though? We don't know whose regret we're dealing with, but why are you wearing a disguise Y/n-chan?" I flinched when Todomatsu mentioned me while I began to sweat.

"Well, you see it's kind of funny. I may have gone to your guys's school around this time. It was only for a month though. I still don't remember everything that happened while I was here, but it's slowly coming back."

They all looked at me surprised, but then Choromatsu looked back at a gloomy Ichimatsu. "Are you okay Ichimatsu?"

I looked back as well to see that he was holding his knees close to him. "This is so exhausting. Just being in this memory world is hell, and now I have to see my old self?"

I moved from my spot and went next to Ichimatsu so that I could rub his back to maybe help comfort him. 'I understand what you mean. Especially with how I was in this time.'

"Is that what you meant?" Choromatsu was smiling a bit when he said this. "And you're not? I have no clue how to react if I saw my younger self."

He just smiled and faced all of us completely. "Well yeah, I'm completely fine with it. I mean I never did anything embarrassing in my past so I have nothing to worry about. I'm actually looking forward to it."

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