Chapter Thirty-One: Valentines Day!

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A/n: This chapter has a very 'special' part to it that I think you will absolutely love!

3rd POV:

Today is a day that every lonely person hates. Valentine's Day...

Thankfully, Y/n isn't lonely, and has the Matsuno family and her other friends! The Matsuno's however were not as cheerful as her.

When Y/n walked downstairs she saw both Matsuyo and Matsuzou cowering in a corner of the room while the NEETs sat around in a circle in silence while looking down. "Why's everyone-"

"(whispers)Shhh! Hurry! Come over here!" Y/n walked over to Matsuyo with a confused look on her face while Matsuyo was signaling for her to come over to her.

"Why are we whispering? And why does the atmosphere feel so heavy in here?" Matsuyo looked behind Y/n to look at the NEETs, and then she looked back at her with a worried look that made Y/n feel uneasy.

Matsuyo filled Y/n in on what usually happens every Valentine's Day, and also why they try to avoid it. "Seriously? That's it? I was already planning on making them chocolate-"


"Did someone say chocolate?"

Y/n shivered along with Mr. and Mrs. Matsuno at how scary their voices sounded. "That's right. Today's Val-"

"Don't say it! I don't want to be reminded of that day!"

Osomatsu was cut off by Todomatsu who was now acting very dramatic. Actually, all of them were acting really dramatic about the whole situation.

'Wow...she wasn't kidding. Imma head to the store to by some chocolate chips so that I can make some chocolate for everyone.'

Thankfully, Y/n already had her wallet with her so she just walked out the door.

Y/n POV:

The streets were full of couples, and it made me regret going out today. 'No! Don't let the lonely thoughts reach you Y/n! You must stay strong until you can get back home!'

As I was walking through the store I saw a bunch of different sweets. 'Honey senpai's favorite holiday must be Valentine's Day, huh? Because he loves to eat so much cake in the manga and anime.'

I even saw a strawberry short cake while heading over to the chocolate which made me laugh a little bit.

When I got to the aisle that I was looking for I saw so many different types of chocolate. Different flavors, and also different colors.

This gave me a bunch of different ideas on what I could make so I grabbed a variety of everything and then put them in my basket before I started headed off to pay for them.

Of course I grabbed a delicious slice of (fav cake) on my way to pay because I saw that it on sale.

I made it back, and silently cheered to myself that I can finally make this for someone. 'Alright! Let's do this!' I opened the door to find out that no one is home. "At least I'll have the kitchen to myself then."

I walked over to the kitchen, and started to work on my masterpieces. First thing that I did was melt all of the different chocolates in different pots. Once that was done I put them in molds that I could easily carve.

After that I let them cool down while I grabbed the tools that I needed so that I could carve it to perfection.

Halfway through the first one I knew that it was going to turn out just like I imagined it. 'I hope that he'll like it.'

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now