Chapter Six: The Secret's Out! (Edited)

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Y/n POV:

The six of them let out a breath that they knew they were holding when they heard this.

"My Karamatsu girl gives everyone a chance at love I see. Not much different than me. I simply can not let my Karamatsu boys think that they don't have a chance after all." Karamatsu says as he walks up to me and does another one of his poses.

'Very noice.'

"What about you my other Kara-"

"Straight and taken." Franziska cut Karamatsu off as she looked straight at him. 'Karamatsu, Ka-ra-mat-su. Heh, it's kind of fun to say. Not the point.'

"Woah woah woah! Wait just a moment there buddy. When did you get a boyfriend? And why didn't you tell me? I could have been doing shippy stuff with you two instead of shipping you with other people."

I was shaking Franziska by her shoulders begging her to answer me after hearing her say this. "Telllll meeeeee Fran-zis-kaaaaaa"

She grabbed my hands to stop me from shaking her, and put them down from her shoulders.

"Another time Y/n, but who have you shipped me with?!?!!" 'Ah, so she lied then. Okay.'

"Whoops? Did I say ship? I don't do that. Nope. You must have heard wrong ^and I know that you don't actually have a boyfriend. You're my best friend. I know when you are lying :)^

'Although it is sad how we've still never had a boyfriend before T-T'

^fine. Let's just get going already.^ Franziska looked like she was already done with the world after saying this, and I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit at this.

"Heh, alright. Looks like it's time to learn how to make sweets then. I did ask you to teach us, didn't I~?"

I give Franziska the sweetest smile I could do at the moment as I tugged on her sleeve repeatedly asking for her to teach us.

The Matsuno brothers all started to blush at the scene and some even had a small nosebleed. Now, I don't want to say names *cough*Osomatsu*
*cough*Choromatsu*cough*cough* but it was a bit obvious.

"*sigh* Fine. Just don't do that again. It's embarrassing and you know it." I jump up in victory and hug Franziska while squealing like a little girl. "Yay! Thank you Franziska!!"

"It's no problem Y/n. I'm your best friend after all. Just please. Don't ever do that again."

"Do it again when I need something from you? Okay!"

"Wha-? That's the opposite of what I-!"

"What;? I can't hear you over the wonderful sounds of my dreams slowly becoming a reality~"

She just sighed while I smiled even more while skipping back home with everyone else.

-At the Matsuno residence-

2nd POV:

"So, what are we going to make first? Can we make some cookies first? I was never able to remember how to make them so I would like to start with that, and you can make a lot at one time too, right? Oh! Can I make a bunch of different ones all at once?!"

You were clinging onto Franziska's arm with the excitement and curiosity of a child shown in your eyes.

Franziska looked back, and she could literally feel the waves of jealousy from the Matsuno's. I mean, can you really blame them? Now they have to be jealous and worried of girls taking you from them as well.

She sighed, and then looked back down towards you with a look of slight disbelief. "You know, sometimes I really wonder which one of us is the older one. And sure. We can make some regular chocolate chip cookies. I hope that you know how late it is though." Franziska pulls her arm away from you with difficulty, but in the end you let go.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now