Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sick Day

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Y/n POV:

When I woke up my nose was all stuffy so it was a little bit hard to breath until I blew my nose. 'It must be my allergies. Hopefully it won't last for the rest of the day.'

I got dressed, and did my morning routine before going downstairs to make breakfast. I was feeling a little light headed, but I just blamed it on my hunger and thirst.

While I was cooking I felt my face start to burn, but I just pushed it away thinking that it was because I was cooking and dealing with fire.

The Matsunos all came down when I had finished cooking. I wasn't really able to pay attention to what they were saying though. Next thing I knew someone had their hand on my forehead.

"You're burning up! You shouldn't be cooking my darling!" Karamatsu and everyone else was looking at me with a worried look, but I just shook my head.

"I'm fine. It's just because of the flames from the stove." He didn't say anything after that, but he still seemed worried. I just told them to go sit down while I got the food. 

They did, and once I put the food down I was feeling light headed again. I ended up stumbling because of this, but before I could face plant into the floor Jyushimatsu caught me.

"Are you alright Y/n-san?!" I held my head and looked up at him while trying to focus my eyes because everything was a little bit blurry.

"Yeah. I'm fine. I just feel a little light headed. Nothing too serious. Let's eat." They just shook their heads after hearing this.

"It's obvious that you're sick Y/n-chan so let me take care of you!"

I kept denying the fact that I was sick until I started to cough. Next thing I knew I was in bed with Osomatsu right next to me.

I refused to stay underneath the blanket though because I felt too hot right now though. "Hey Y/n-chan? Since you feel so hot maybe you should take off some of your clothes."

Osomatsu had a mischievous smile and look in his eyes while he was getting closer to me.

"No way! I would if I lived by myself, but I don't! Turn around." He blushed and turned around. I pulled out a nightgown that I got from my Auntie and changed into that.

"Alright you can turn back around." He seemed a little bit sad at what I was wearing, but then got rid of that thought when he realized that I wasn't wearing anything underneath. 

"Don't you dare try anything you perv. I may be weaker now, but that doesn't mean that I can't still beat your *** up if you try anything." He gulped and nodded. "Good. I'm going back to sleep."

3rd Person's POV:

Y/n turned over and went to sleep. Her face was completely red, and Osomatsu should really be trying to get her temperature down.

Sadly, there were two things in the way of that. One of those things was the fact that Osomatsu didn't know how to take care of people when they were sick, and the second thing was all of the not so kid friendly content running threw his head while looking at Y/n.

If he wasn't such a virgin then he would have acted on those thoughts. Thankfully, he was, so all he did was stare blankly at Y/n.

He noticed that her breathing was becoming irregular, and that her face was getting more and more red. She was also starting to sweat a lot more.

He was brought out of his thoughts by this, and was now genuinely worried. He put his hand on Y/n's forehand only to quickly pull it away. "It's so hot! Sh*t! What am I supposed to do?"

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now