Chapter Eleven: Cat Cafe(edited)

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Y/n POV:

It has been two days since I went with Choromatsu to see Nyaa Chan. It was almost lunch time too, and so I decided that I wanted to go to this cute cat cafe that I saw on my walk yesterday.

While on my way I noticed Ichimatsu up ahead, and since he seemed to be going the same direction as me I decided to call out to him.

"Hey Ichimatsu! Where are you heading off to? I'm going to this one cat cafe for lunch if you want to join me." Black cat ears appeared on the top of his head at the mention of the word cat, and it made me stare at them in curiousity.

'How does that happen? Either way they're adorable, but what kind of anime shit is this?'

"Sure. I was going there anyway." He looked away while saying this, but I could still see a faint blush on his face.

We started our lovely walk to the cat cafe until Ichimatsu all of a sudden turned down an alleyway. "Huh? What are you doing Ichimatsu? The cafe is this way."

I walk over to him, and that's when I see that he is feeding some stray cats. It made my heart melt a little bit to see him stoping to feed strays if I had to be honest.

I crouch down next to Ichimatsu as I pull out my own bag of cat treats that I got for Titus. 'I guess it's a good thing that I forgot to take them out of my pockets when I bought it the other day.'

"Do you do this often?"

I hold out a piece for the grey cat that was in front of me as I say this while waiting for a response. "I come here whenever I can." I nod, and also smile when I see more of them approach me.

Some of them rubbed their faces against me, and others tried to hop into my lap. "I can see why you would want to come here so often. Would you mind if I did the same from now on?"

Ichimatsu looked at me and saw that there was one cat in my lap, one on my head, one rubbing itself against my hand, and another against my side. All of them purring while I tried to give them all attention.

'Rubbing myself in catnip for the cat cafe came in handy I guess.'

The sight alone caused Ichimatsu to blush and just nod his head. Not knowing what would happen if he tried to talk.

"Yay! Ahaha that tickles!"

The cat that was on my head was playing with some of my hair that was near my ear, and the fur from the paw plus my hair made my ears feel really ticklish. This led to me laughing my ass off while trying to not let the cat fall off.

"Hahaha! S-Stop. I'm going to drop you if you keep doing that kitty."

I picked them up from my head and put them on top of Ichimatsu's head instead while giving him a cat like smile. "There. Purrfect! Wouldn't you agree?"

Ichimatsu just stared at me as I was being covered by cats. He then got a nosebleed when one of the cats touched my chest in an attempt to climb up onto my head now that the space was vacant.

"Are you okay Ichimatsu? Your nose is bleeding! Shit. Uh....use this for now."

I gave him my handkerchief that had f/c paw prints on it. By the time that Ichimatsu's nosebleed went away all of the cats had sadly already left as well, which made me pout just a little bit.

"I guess they left. Bummer..Oh yeah that's right! We were going to the cat cafe! Kittens and cats here we come!"

I pull Ichimatsu to his feet with little resistance from Ichimatsu, and then grabbed his hand as I began to run with a huge smile on my face. 'I can't wait to see how many cats and kittens there are!'

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now