Chapter Seven: Dates?!?!(edited)

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Franziska's POV:

I woke up, and saw that Y/n was still asleep. Her cat was curled up next to her as well. 'I know you said you were overreacting and everything, but I still want to do something to help make up for it.'

I walk up to the sextuplets door and open it, revealing five out of six of them still sleeping. 'I guess Baseball is out practicing.'

I walk up to them and pull off the blanket covering them while also pulling out all of their pillows. "Ow~. What was that for?" Red Perv groaned as they all rubbed the back of their heads.

"Alright everyone listen up. I only have a few days here with Y/n. At least I think it'll only be a few days. She never really told me when I'd go back home. But anyways! I need you six to work with me so that Y/n feels good and and everything while she's here, alright?"

All of them nod there heads in sync before the frog looking one rose just hand.

"But how're we supposed to do that?"

I nodded while taking a dramatic pause before smiling and dropping their blanket onto their heads.


"It's simple really. Best way to get to know someone is on a date, right? So, for the next week or so I'd like you all to go on a date with my dear Y/n."

The pink one chimed in first this time, though now with cheeks as pink as the hoodie he usually wears.

"Not that I don't want to, but how would that work out?"

I realized then that they didn't understand what I was saying, and so I decided to sit down on the couch in their room while explaining to them all about my master plan to get Y/n to feel as close and comfy as possible with all for them before I head back home.

"Only thing is is that since there's 6 of you you guys will have to figure out who gets which day of the week, alright?"

Red Perv and the others had finally understood what I was asking them to do I think, and that was because each and every one of them became a blushing mess.

"That's all I wanted to say. I should go back and wake up Y/n now. Make sure to figure out the days by the end of today, alright?" I exit the door and do just that while I heard the five of them start to freak out.

3rd Person POV:


Five out of the six sextuplets yelled. "Wait. Dates?! Wha- how?! How are virgin NEETS like us supposed to go on a date with someone?!?!" Choromatsu said as he was holding his head.

"Guess I'm the only one that could afford to go on a date with her. Maybe I should just go on a date with her everyday then!" Todomatsu said with a cutesy smile.

"Hold it. This is my one chance of getting a girlfriend, and you aren't going to take it away from me Slymatsu." Osomatsu said as he gripped Todomatsu's shoulder.

"That's right my brothers~ My Karamatsu girl will surely love the date that I am planning." Karamatsu was excited, but also really nervous. He wanted it to be perfect. After all, his Karamatsu girl only deserves perfection.

"Shut up Shittymatsu!" 'She wouldn't want to go on a date with trash like me anyways so why bother....though it would be nice to spend some time with her alone...' Ichimatsu thought as he went back to bed. It was six in the morning after all.

They were soon interrupted by a sweet smell though, and slowly, one by one, each of them followed the sweet scent downstairs.
"Is this right? Or should I add some more?" Y/n asked Franziska as she looked at the crepes her friend hand made. "Not bad. I'm sure they'll like it. If not then they're a smuk" (s-muck)

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