Chatper Eight: Horse Racing!(edited)

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Y/n POV:

"Hahhh~ that interview was a nightmare. They said they'd call me back by I don't know..."

It was a morning interview thankfully so barely any of my day was lost because of it, but when I got back to the shared house I noticed that Osomatsu was the only one there. 'Weird'

"Hey Osomatsu? Where's everyone else?" Osomatsu turned to face me, and jumped up and ran over to me.

"You're back! Time for our date!" I push him away from arms reach as I process what he's saying.

"Huh? Date? Now? Why?" I was really confused. Didn't I say that I had work yesterday?

"Yup! You just finished that job interview thingy you said you were going to do today, right? So that means that you're free for the rest of the day!"

I think about anything else that I might have to do, but nothing comes to mind. 'Well shoot. I guess I really am free then, but I am pretty tired.'

"Okay, then where do you want to go?" I hesitated in asking this because of what he might say.

"Let's go see the horse races!"

This surprised me. It was normal, and I actually want to go. "Really? I've only been to them once when I was a kid, but I remember them being really fun! I can't wait! Let me get dressed first though, okay? Don't really feel like going in a suit after all."

2nd POV:

Osomatsu was happy that you liked what he suggested. To be honest, he was a bit worried that you would think that it was boring or think of him as a gambling addict and just cancel it, or you would reject the idea of going on a date with him completely.

You came back down in some f/c shorts and a red shirt. Osomatsu wouldn't stop staring at you as you walked down.

He was just wearing his usual hoodie and pants. "Are you ready Osomatsu? If so then let's go, I don't want to wait any longer."

"C-Can you say that last part again?"

You grabbed Osomatsu's hand while rolling your eyes and started to walk to your dates destination point. Osomatsu was blushing about the fact that a girl was holding his hand, and you were happily singing to yourself.

"Horse racing, horse racing~ Oh how long it's been since I've been able to see you my lovely horses~"

You both went inside, and Osomatsu was sad when you let go of his hand. He was hoping that you would have held onto his hand the whole time, but he was still really happy that you held his hand at all.

You decided that you would bet on (lucky number) while Osomatsu was betting on the hopes of a trifecta. He warned you that your bourse was definitely going to lose though, and that no one bets on it because it never wins, but you just responded with:

"It's not always about winning you know. Sometimes you just want to have fun."

After that you two went to go to your guys's spots. "Come on number (lucky number), come on." Your horse was in second place right now, but was getting close to first. Osomatsu couldn't believe his eyes too, and was glued to the track because of it.

Because of how excited you were you were standing up and leaning against the railing. Osomatsu was on your right while some other guy was on your left. He seemed to be drunk despite it still being early in the afternoon.

He kept looking at you up and down and checking you out. You didn't notice though because you were so focused on the race, but it seemed like Osomatsu did, and it was making him feel uneasy. He decided to brush it off though and continued to watch the race with you.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now