Chapter Thirty-Seven: ESP Titus

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A/n: More backstory will be unlocked in this chapter, and I guess it's also a little bit sad. Oh, and it's sort of similar to the ESP Kitty episode, but also pretty different.

Y/n POV:

Right now I am currently inside of Dekapan's laboratory with Titus.

I came here because Jyushimatsu told me that Dekapan had a type of medicine that will let me understand what Titus is actually feeling and thinking.

"So, do you have something like that Dekapan?"

I was holding Titus while looking at Dekapan in hope of hearing a positive response.

'I know that it probably isn't possible, but it would be amazing if it was!'

"I do! It should be somewhere around here.."

'Huh?! Is he serious?! Does he actually have something like that!?'

My face was showing nothing but pure shock while Dekapan was looking for the medicine for understanding cats.

"Here it is!"

My face went blank when I read the label.

"Feelings Medicine? What exactly does that mean?"

I had my eyebrow raised while cautiously looking at the bottle. It looked kind of weird too, and I was questioning if it was really worth it.

"This medicine allows you to understand what anyone, and thing, is feeling."

Dekapan held up the medicine to me, but I couldn't really hold it because of the cat that was currently in my arms.

He seemed to be suspicious of it too by the way that he was acting.

"And it actually works?"

"Indeed. It worked perfectly for the last person that tried it."

Hearing that definitely eased my mind about wanting to try it, but there was something about it that didn't feel right to me.

"Okay. I'd like to try it. So, is it like a pill? Or is it the type of medicine that you drink?"

I was feeling a little bit more calm, and decided to put down Titus so that I could take whichever medicine it was.

"Neither. It's done via injection."

'Via what?!?!'

Now, knowing that I am in fact afraid of shots, and also after seeing that Dekapan needed to use both of his arms to hold said shot, you can only imagine how terrified I was in the moment.

"No way! I'm not doing it if it's a shot!"

"Oh come on. You're an adult, and we made the shot smaller so that it can be injected into the arm this time."

"No way is that being injected into my arm!! And what does being an adult have to do with this?!?"

Sadly, because of how terrified I was, I was frozen in place, and Dekapan and the needle were only a foot away from my arm while I started to cry out for help.

It seems as though my lovely Titus decided to answer my cry for help because right before the needle was about to reach me Titus jumped in the way and received the shot instead.







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