Chapter Thirty: Book Signing

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3rd Per POV:

"Y/n! Get down here already! You have an autograph session in half an hour! We need to prepare!" Ren was pacing back and forth while impatiently waiting downstairs for Y/n. When she came down she looked really excited.

"My first autograph session! I can't wait! Let's go Ren!" Y/n had a backpack on her back that contained some of her work in progresses.

She also made sure to make drawings for her to autograph for her fans. Ren simply sighed and shook her head as she followed the jumping Y/n.

They got there twenty minutes before the actual signing, and they had to enter through the back because it was surprisingly too crowded in the front.

Y/n POV:

When I stepped inside and saw the little table with my name and manga on it my smile grew even more to the point that you could even say that it was blinding.

"Wow~ This is really happening!" Even Ren smiled a little bit at how happy and excited I was. Which let me tell you, that is as rare as fictional characters popping out of a book.

Once I was all set up and ready to go Ren opened the door and almost everyone flocked to my stand.

"Y/n san/chan!"

'I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but wow! I have fans! Lots of fans! Now I have both people and electrical fans!'

Ren and two other people had everyone form in a line and not shout which made me giggle a little bit because of how hard it looked for Ren.

The first person to come up had short brown hair and beautiful amber eyes. "Hi! Um, could you sign this?" He held out a drawing, which was most likely made by him, of my characters.

"Wow! This is really good! Of course I'll sign it! Would you also like one of these drawings or posters as well with your autograph?"

His eyes sparkled, and he quickly nodded his head and picked out a drawing I did for the upcoming volume. "Thank you so much Y/n-san!" I waved him off with a smile and greeted the next person in line.

It was a teenage girl that looked around 14-15 years old. "My friend made me come here in her place to get an autograph for her." I smiled with barely any sign of my smirk.

'Yeah? If it's for your friend then why are you eyeing my drawings with such joy and excitement?'

"Of course! I'm so sorry that she couldn't some here today. Could you tell me her na-"


She blushed when she realized that she interrupted me, and had even started to repeatedly bow and apologize which made me laugh a little bit.

"It's fine. Let's about I sign this?" I grabbed one of my drawings that I did of the main heroin making chocolate for the male leading role.

When I handed it to her her eyes sparkled for a second before she "coughed" and turned away and grabbed it. "Thanks. I guess..." I smiled and waved at her as she walked away.

After about half of them went I realized that there was a pretty big age range. I was actually pretty surprised when I saw a little girl come up with her Mom wanting an autograph along with her Mom.

The next person to come up to me was that one guy from Nyaa Chan's concert.

"Oh wow! It's great to see you again!" His eyes widened, and he also had a huge smile on his face. "Y-You remember me? Wow..." I smiled at how surprised he was about that.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now