Chapter Two: NEETS?!?(Edited)

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3rd POV:

'Out of all of them only one has a job!?? No wonder they needed someone else to live here, but that's why I was looking for roommates as well! Oh shit this ain't lookin so hot for me!'

"Wait....So, what you're telling me is that none of you except for Totty have jobs?" Y/n asks with a very concerned and hesitant look on her face.

'Maybe he was just joking around. Like "my job is better than theirs" or something like that. Hopefully it's like that...' Y/n was hoping that this was the case, but that was not the cake.

"We don't....but I've been looking really hard to find one! In fact I'm probably the only one that really wants a job!" Choromatsu said as he was trying to defend himself.

'*sweats* That doesn't help, but same here bud...'

"Okay....Then, what chores do you guys do here?" Y/n said as she was starting to rethink her choice of living here once again.

Sure, she wanted a place to live, but she didn't want to do everything! Especially when other people are also living with her!

Well, she might have done everything if it meant not having to get a job, but since they were in the same boat as her she decided against that.

"Uh...of course we have chores! Right, Jyushimatsu?" Osomatsu said as he looked over to Jyushimatsu.


You could see a sweat-drop on his face as he said that so Y/n had taken that as a 'no'. "I'll do cooking and dishes, but you guys have to figure out who does what other than that." Y/n said as she pulled a Karasuma and held the top part of her nose as she closed her eyes and sighed while shaking her head.

It wasn't like she didn't like cooking. In fact, she found it fairly relaxing to do. She learned how to cook when she moved in with her aunt and uncle when she moved to America for middle school.

She had thought of working at their restaurant, but she wanted to move back to Akatsuka, so that wasn't really all that possible.

"Ah~ I'll be able to enjoy my Karamatsu girl's cooking. Truly a gift from the heavens!"

Karamatsu closed his eyes and hugged himself as he imagined Y/n serving him his meals in a light blue apron with a smile on her face. He started to blush when he began to imagine her feeding him.

"T-Thank you Karamatsu."

Y/n's face was starting to slowly heat up from the complement. "No problem my Karamatsu girl~" He says as he winks at Y/n.

That only made her blush worse, and she was trying really hard to not smile. Compliments and flattery had always been a weakness for Y/n.

"Question. What's a Karamatsu girl?" She already knew what it was once she had found out that his name was Karamatsu, but she wanted to see if she could get an interesting reaction from him.

There was also the hope for payback after the embarrassment she just gone through because of him flattering her.

Karamatsu blushed when hearing this, and he tried his best to explain without stuttering and sweating like crazy out of nervousness. "Ah, well, it means tha-"

But he was soon sadly cut off by Osomatsu. 'At least I could return the embarrassment, but I'm starting to feel bad for him. I mean that's the second time this has happened since I got here...'

"So, Y/n-chan, you're completely fine with living with six guys? Even though you are the only girl here? Are you a p***-"

Osomatsu looked like he was imagining something by the look on his face, but Y/n cut him off as she was highly annoyed by what he was going to say next. There was also a hint of disgust shown on her face.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now