Chapter Forty-One: What to do?

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Y/n POV:

Sora just dropped me off at the Matsunos, and it was really hard to not act insensitive. I ended up telling him that I wasn't sure if I was ready for anything like a relationship, but that he was honestly a great person.

It didn't look like he took that as a rejection which was good, but instead he acted like once I was ready I'd end up with him, which I'm not so sure of. I mean, I enjoy hanging out with him, but I think I just see him as a close friend if anything.

Once I opened the door and Choromatsu and everyone else saw how I looked they started to ask me what happened, but I didn't even realize they were there until Jyushimatsu tapped my shoulder.

This caused me to sort of jump, and caused them to worry even more. When I noticed this I sighed before motioning for them to follow me upstairs to their room so that I could explain what happened while sitting down.

Once we were all sitting down in a somewhat circle Karamatsu ended up asking me if something ended up happening today. I nodded before taking a deep breath so that I could try and think clearly.

"Did any of you guys know that Sora-kun liked me?"

All of them seemed shocked by this, and I groaned slightly when I realized that I would have to explain everything.

"So, he ended up taking me to Akatsuka Land. He said that his friends weren't available and that he'd pay so I agreed. After a couple hours he takes me onto the Ferris Wheel with him, and once we reach the top he ended up confessing that he's apparently loved me since he saw me singing with Nyaa-Chan on stage. At that I sort of blacked out, and it seems like he ended up kissing me while I was trying to process it all."

It looked like a sort of cloud went over their eyes while the were stuck in their own thoughts, and they weren't all that pleasant put simply. (not really yandere extreme, but Matsuno-level extreme. Basically like when Kamimatsu went on a date with Totoko)

"*sigh* I'm not even sure what to think. What do you guys think? I feel close enough to ask for advice on something like this, and since you're guys I think it might be easier for you to understand what to do."

Todomatsu was the first to snap back, and he seemed to have a smile with a double meaning behind it that kind of made me uneasy.

"Reject him of course. You don't see him that way, right? And he made it sound like he's some kind of stalker. He probably became your assistant because he followed you and pulled some strings behind the scenes."

'He looked genuinely surprised when I first saw him back then though...and he doesn't seem like the stalker type. maybe I should talk to Fran about this as well.'

"Thank you for the advice Totty. I think I'm going to lay down and think about it a bit more before deciding on anything."

Totty just agreed while ushering me towards my room before closing the door. I found it a bit odd at first, but I had more troubling matters at the moment so I didn't question it.

"Let's see what Fran thinks. She tends to be spot on when it comes to these sorts of things."

~With the Matsuno Brothers~

All of them were dead silent, but the looks on all of their faces looked as though they were prepared for both war and murder.

It wasn't long after that that each and every one of them began to pull out and polish a weapon of their very own.

Though not even a second later they broke and ended up screaming.

"He confessed?!"

"Confessed?! He kissed her!"

They were wiggling around like worms while screaming bloody murder over the fact that Sora had not only confessed before them, but also ended up kissing their beloved Y/n.

~Back with Y/n~

I ended up deciding to go outside and walk to the park nearby before calling Fran when I heard them making a bunch of noise in their room.

It was kind of hard to tell what they were saying too with how they were screaming.

"Thanks for getting mad for me I guess...? It's almost like they're the ones that got kissed instead of me now."

I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at this before pressing the call button once reaching the park.

"Y/n! What's up? I missed youuu!"

"I missed you too! And....about that....ha"

"Oh no. What happened?"

"Okay. So, remember the assistant I told you about the other day?"

(They've been casually talking with each other from time to time to keep each other up to date)

"Yeah? Oh no did something happen to him?!"

"Sort of...?"

"What do you mean 'sort of'?"

~After Y/n Recaps Fran on Everything~

"Oh shit! That's crazy! But noooo I wanted you to end up with Jyushimatsu."

The fact that she got his name right must have meant that they have been talking to each other.


"Sorry. Sorry. Couldn't help myself. But seriously, what's the big problem? I mean, other than him kissing you without consent. Because that's just wrong. Consent is sexy. That was not."

"Yeah. And I don't know honestly.... I mean, he is a pretty great guy and all, but like, I don't know if I'm ready. That, and I'm not even sure if I want to be in a relationship at all."

She went quiet for a bit after that. I could tell that she was starting to really think about what I was saying because the tone in her voice ended up changing as well.

"Alright. Well, do whatever you feel is right then Y/n. If you're not ready for a relationship then that's completely fine, and if that guy tries to force himself on you tell him that I'll come to him personally and knock some sense into him, alright?"

I would laugh if she was joking, but she was dead serious about that second part. It made me smile though nonetheless.

"Thanks Fran. You're a real one."

"You bet your ass I am ha!"

I couldn't help but laugh along with Fran, and after that we went back to a more lighthearted and casual conversation.

A/n: I'm back bitches~!!! Sorry for such the long hiatus lol But I'm finally in a healthy mental space, so that means that you won't have to deal with heavy angst~

Y/n: Yay! That means no main characters will die!

Everyone: yay!

A/n: but yeah. I've been thinking about something while I took a break. Would you guys like me to create character routes when this one ends? Like, have a story for each character, all, or even none after the official confession scene? It would be a bit of work for me, but I think it might be fun. Please comment any ideas or suggestions!

I plan on editing past chapters as well now that I'm on the healthier side of things and everything, so if you notice changes that's why.

And thank you so very much if you have waited for me for this long!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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