Chapter Twenty: New Years

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-Y/n Recap corner-

Wanna know what happened to Y/n the morning that she woke up from last chapter? Well, here it is:

I woke up, and was trying to move, but for some reason I couldn't move. 'The heck? What the heck is going on?'

I let go of whatever I was hugging, and then used my hands to push them forward so that I could see who it was.


My face went red when I realized this until I realized that there was an arm holding my waist. When I turned around to face them I ended up being face to face with Osomatsu.

My face was now redder than his hoodie, and to make things worse he was waking up.

"Hm? Oh, good morning Y/n-chan. Did you sleep well last night?" He pulled me a little closer while saying this, and it caused me to let out a small yelp.

Now his face was really close to mine, and you can bet your whole life savings that I was uncomfortable as hell.

'Too close! Way too close!!'

His body was completely against mine, and he had his other hand brushing against my thigh while I tried to push him away.

I wasn't able to though because of two factors. One, I just woke up, and I'm really sluggish when I first wake up, and two, I was too flustered to even try to think about what to do in this kind of situation.

Thankfully, everyone else had woken up, and they all had death-like auras because of the sight before them. Thankfully, they were able to easily pull him away, and were now in the process of beating him up.

After a quick minute I was now fully awake, and had also gained a menacing aura. 'Fufufufu~ He's a dead man now.'

I cracked my knuckles, and this caused everyone to look at me. "Hey, Osomatsu? Remember what I told you the first day that we met? If not, then shame on you, 'cause now your dead."

I began to slowly walk up to him, and my menacing aura was increasing with every step I took. Everyone else stepped aside in fear of what might happen if they were to get in the crossfire, and that was smart of them to do.

Once I was close enough I decided that it would be a good idea if I were to use one of Kagura Sohma's moves. (Fruits Basket. Highly recommend watching or reading it if you haven't already.)

I spun Osomatsu in the air by his foot, and then slammed him down on the ground. He let out a grunt when he hit the floor, and then passed out.

"Tch, pathetic. I was hoping that you would have lasted longer."

-End of recap-

Y/n POV:

It was New Years Eve now, and I was so excited! It was my first New Years back home! Why wouldn't I be excited?!

I woke up at around five in the morning, and once Matsuyo woke up and got ready I helped her make all of the food.

Everything was so perfect, and I couldn't help but wish for the best scenario as I thought about what might happen today.

I was writing my New Years cards while Choromatsu was yelling at his brothers to do them properly. Once I had finished I decided to see how everyone else's turned out.

'Ichimatsu is really good at drawing. Who would have thought?'

Then I saw Choromatsu's and started to sweat a little bit because of what it said. 'This isn't good.'

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now