Chapter Twenty-Two: A Blast From the... Memory World?

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Y/n POV:

It was now morning, and I felt Karamatsu move so I also woke up. "I think I drank too much."

I hummed in response which made him realize that I was holding onto him which then caused him to blush and also tense up.

We then looked over to the chair next to us and found Ichimatsu sleeping like a cat. 'So cute. Must, take, photo.' I pulled out my phone, and made sure to quickly take a photo.

'Sorry Ichimatsu, but this is probably the only chance that you will look like this in front of me

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'Sorry Ichimatsu, but this is probably the only chance that you will look like this in front of me.'

"How do you even sleep like that?" Karamatsu was looking at Osomatsu who was dangling from a curtain and snoring.

He then looked over to Jyushimatsu who had his eyes open. "You aren't even sleeping. You're awake, right?" Jyushimatsu stopped swaying and his little 'bubble' popped "Good morning Karamatsu-niisan and Y/n-san!" We both shivered at that response.

"You were actually asleep?!"

Both of us looked a little horrified until Jyushimatsu held his head. "My head hurts."

I walked over to him, and started to massage his head to try and ease the pain a little bit. "I think we had too much to drink. I'm surprised that you don't seem that affected though Y/n."

I stopped massaging Jyushimatsu's head, which made him pout a little bit, and he was also wiggling around a little bit while I faced Karamatsu.

"It actually hurts like hell. I'm just used to having migraines. So, I might look like I'm fine, but in actuality I am indeed not fine at all." I then noticed something was off, and it seemed like Karamatsu did as well.

We both looked around the room, and what I noticed really shocked me. 'The hell? What happened to all of their stuff, and what's with this? This wasn't here before, right?' Karamatsu then ended up screaming and woke everyone else up.

"What the heck?"

"Jeez you're loud."

Karamatsu was sweating while also looking up. "What is all of this?" Everyone else also looked around, and they had the same reaction. "What's going on?!"

Jyushimatsu then walked over to a desk. "This takes me back! This is the desk that we used to do our homework in high school. We got it at a second hand store. We never used it for doing any of our homework though."

He started to laugh and rest on it until he realized what that meant and then backed away.

"What!?" Jyushimatsu waves his arms around while Choromatsu pointed at him.

"Delayed reaction much?!"

"W-Wh-Wh-What's going on?"

They all started to walk backwards until they all reached the middle and then started to freak out. "I'm scared!"

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now