Chapter Ten: Nyaa Chan~!(edited)

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-Y/n's recap corner-

You might be wondering about what happened once me and Karamatsu reached the house. Well, let's just say that I was tackled by a worried Franziska once she saw me.

I showed her the shirt with sparkles surrounding me, and she most definitely cringed. She even tried to throw it away, but thankfully I was able to stop her.

Ichimatsu looked like he grew cat ears as he was staring at it.

I figured that it must have been the cat ears that I was wearing on the shirt that had caused that reaction.

-End of recap-

Y/n POV:

I woke up, and then went to the room that the Matsuno brothers shared to tell Choromatsu that I had something planned, but sadly they were all asleep.

I decided to write a note instead because why not, right? I wrote:

Don't plan anything for today because I already planned something for both of us to do, and I'm positive that you will like it.
-Y/n ;)

I thought that it would be better to hide the fact that Nyaa Chan was technically the surprise because I wanted to see his face when he finds out.

I also couldn't wait to see Nyaa Chan again. Okay, maybe that was the main reason as to why I wanted to go, but could you really blame me?

I placed the note in his hand, and then left without waking them up.

I then started to make breakfast and text Nyaa Chan.


I'm planning to go to your concert today with my friend that I told you about the other day.
I just wanted to inform you ahead of time so that you know to look for me.
Sorry if I'm interrupting something with this.

A few minutes later she responded.

Nyaa Chan~

Hi N/n nya!
I'm happy to hear that you're finally coming
And of course! You weren't inpurrupting anything!
I will be waiting and looking fur you.


Thank you!
I see that you still add a bunch of cat puns in your texts.
It's really adorable.
See you later!

It really was cute, and I can even hear her voice saying some of that too. I let out a smile and start to eat.

Franziska soon comes down with her bed head. "Good morning Franziska. Did you sleep well last night?"

She nods her head, and then proceeds to sit down. I hand her a serving of breakfast, and move on to go clean my dish as I hum to a song that I like.

"Someone's happy. Why is that?" Franziska got up after finishing her plate, and washed it as well which I was thankful for.

"If I tell you then you can't tell Choromatsu, okay?" She nods her head with a curious look on her face, and I whisper into her ear what I had planned.

"That's cool and all, but are you sure that he will like it? I mean it sounds like a girl thing not a guy thing. I'm not judging though. I promise."

We were now walking back up to my room to feed Titus and D/n. "Positive. Trust me on this. If he doesn't like it then he'll just have to deal with a bunch of people telling him how lucky he is, and that he should be beyond happy. As for about that girly part that you mentioned it actually isn't. It's mainly guys that like it compared to girls. Of course I'm in the guys category instead of the girls. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen any girls go..."

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now