Chapter Eighteen: Christmas! Part Three!!!

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Y/n POV:

For the forth time I went to the entrance/exit. Choromatsu walked off and went to sit down, and then Ichimatsu walked on and held onto the side. It didn't look like he needed to though.

"You don't have to hold onto the side of you don't want to. You look like you already know the basics. Here." I grabbed his hand, and slowly led him away from the side. His form was perfect too which kind of surprised me.

"Wow, you're pretty good. Have you done this before?" He curtly nodded his head and looked like he was about to leave, but I tightened my grip on his hand and then grabbed the other one as well.

"If you know how to then let's skate. It'll be fun." After a few minutes he stopped resisting and finally gave in. "Fine."

I smiled in victory when hearing this, and started to skate around him. "So, what can you do? Can you do this?" I grabbed his hand and began to do different tricks with him on the ice.

"I guess you can, and sorry about before. I get like that sometimes so just ignore it, but if you don't mind me asking, what did Karamatsu mean when he said that you acted the same way?" I looked up at him with a curious look on my face.

He looked like he was thinking about something before smirking. "If you want me to tell you then call me Ichimatsu Sama" I looked at him with a confused expression, but went along with it anyway. "Okay, Ichimatsu Sama. Now wha-"

"Don't you mean 'May I hear what Shittymatsu meant Ichimatsu Sama?'" 'Oh, this is what he meant. Well then, two can play at this game.'

I smirk and grab near the neck of his hoodie, successfully pulling his face closer to mine. "Oh? I don't think I'll do that unless you call me Y/n Sama."

Both of us were smirking at each other, and if you were a bystander you would think one of two things. It would either be that you think that we are about to kiss, or two, which would lead to a fight.

This, this was neither of those two things.

That's right. It's a third! And that third one was to see who would give in first.

"Come on, let me hear you call me Y/n Sama. I-chi-ma-tsu Sa-ma." He leaned down so that his mouth/head was next to my right ear while smirking after I finished saying this.

"That's what you wish for me to call you, right? Then Merry Christmas. Y/n Sama~" The sound of his voice right next to my ear made me blush and break out of character.

'Too much!'

"M-Merry Ch-Christmas Ichimatsu Sama!" I was stiff as he gave me one last smirk before he skated off of the ice. I also skated over to the exit/entrance because that's where Jyushimatsu was waiting for me.

Just seeing his big smile made me smile as well. It looked like he was going to try and run on the ice which made me worried though, and I was right to be worried.

I had made it just in time to catch Jyushimatsu as he began to fall, but because of the speed that he was falling plus his weight made me fall as well.

He was on top of me, and I was on the ice groaning because I had hit my head when we feel. "Are you alright Jyushimatsu?"

I winched when I grabbed the back of my head so I moved my hand away. Sadly, my hand was supporting my head, so when I moved my hand away it fell onto the ice again.

A few tears began to form inside of my eyes because of this sudden pain, but I kept them closed so that I wouldn't actually cry.

'Okay. Well, this is just terrific, isn't it? Ugh, I both hate and love my life.' I felt someone/something grab the middle of my back and pull me up.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now