Chapter Thirteen: Totty + Cafe = Date (edited)

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Y/n POV:

I woke up to find a happy Todomatsu standing in the doorway to my room. 'Creepy! Who watches people while they're sleeping?! Oh wait....that's right. Almost forgot that that's what everyone here does it seems.'

"Y/n-chan! You're awake. I was worried that I would have to wake up." He gave me a cutesy smile that made my heart melt, and then handed me an outfit.

"I got this for you to wear on our date today. It will look super cute on you!" Totty then left the room so that I could change, but I just stared at the pink outfit in front of me.

'Cute huh? I guess I could wear it. It's only for today after all.' I was hoping that it wasn't dress, but much to my demise it was.

' I was hoping that it wasn't dress, but much to my demise it was

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(The outfit is the photo up above. I don't really wear this kinda stuff, but it seems to match Todomatsu, wouldn't you agree?)

I felt weird with it on, but at least I had a coat to wear with it.

I don't really like dresses or skirts. The only exception is cosplaying.

Other than that I wore pants and sometimes shorts when it's hot outside. Skirts are for the days I thought a date was going to lead to something, but never dresses. Dresses were more of like a formal thing, but even then I would sometimes show up in a suit.

At least that was the case until right now. "Are you done changing Y/n-chan?" Totty opened the door, and when he saw me in the dress that he got he had a smile and slight blush on his face.

"See? I knew that it would look cute on you!"

I had an awkward smile plastered on while I tried my best to not look uncomfortable since I'm not used to these kinds of clothes in this kind of setting.

"Yup! Super cute. Thank you for the outfit so I wouldn't have to figure something out on my own Totty."

He seemed to have a sort of smug look on his face after he said this. Soon afterwards he grabbed my hand and started to lead me downstairs and too the door.

"Let's go then! I know this really good cafe that we can go to. It's not too far from here either. Oh, but I have to give you the shoes that go with it first. Here you go! This matches perfectly with it." Totty hands me a pair of heels, and I nearly faint as I imagine having to walk in them all day.

"Are you okay Y/n-chan? You look pale." I nod my head and give an awkward smile once again as I grab the pair of heels and put them on.

'I might literally die today, and I'll be wearing something that no one but Totty will recognize me in because he's right here with me as I put it on!'

I finished putting on the shoes, and I tried to stand up, but ended up losing my balance and fell into Todomatsu's chest.

"S-Sorry! I guess I'm not used to wearing these kinds of shoes yet." Totty said that it was fine and that he also understood, which made me feel a little bit better.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now