Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sleepover!

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f/a= Favorite animal

Y/n POV:

It's been a week since that little 'incident' that happened between Todomatsu and me. I explained to Matsuyo about what actually happened, and that it wasn't what she thought it was.

She apologized for misunderstanding, but she also said that it would have been more than fine if it wasn't an accident which made me blush at the time.

As for Todomatsu, things have been a little bit more awkward between us, but the awkwardness is almost gone now which is a relief to me.

Matsuyo woke up before me so by the time that I woke up she was already cooking. I offered to help, which she gladly accepted like always. She had me set up both of the tables.

I was a little bit sad that she didn't want me to cook, but I knew that I shouldn't be selfish like that and quickly went to preparing both of the tables.

Once I was done she had also finished. "NEETs! If you want breakfast then get down here!" I was surprised by the sudden loudness so I had to cover my ears.

A few minutes later five sleepy looking NEETs walked down. Jyushimatsu seemed like he was completely full of energy. He probably was actually.

We all thanked her for the food, and then started to eat.

All of us finished at different times. Jyushimatsu was the first to leave while I was the last one to leave the table.

'I'm bored. What should I do today? It's been awhile since I've talked to Nyaa Chan.' I walked up to my room and sent a message to her.


It's been awhile since I've last seen you.
How've you been?
Has anything interesting happened to you lately?

Nyaa Chan~

Hi N/n!
It's been so long since I've seen you. We should hang out again nyan!
How about a sleepover?

I thought about the idea for a second, and liked it almost immediately. I've always loved sleepovers so of course I would love to have one with one of my best friends!

I sent her a text asking if we could have it where I lived, and she agreed to it saying that it was fine as long as Titus was also there.

I then thought of something even better. 'What if I invited Totoko too?! It could be like a girls night! That ends with a sleepover!!'

I quickly went to Totoko's contact, and went to text her after I thought about this.


It's me, Y/n.
I was wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover with me.
We could also do some things beforehand too if you want to.
I hope that you're free today so that we could have one, but if you aren't then that's cool too.

I hit send and not even a minute later she replied.

Totoko chan~

I'd love to! Just as long as those sextuplets aren't joining us.

'Fair enough. I was planning on it being a girls night so I don't think that that would be a problem at all.'


I wasn't planning on them joining us anyway.
I was actually hoping that it could be a girl's night.
You can come over anytime that you want to.
Just remember to bring a pair of pajamas and clothes for tomorrow.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now