Chapter Twelve: A Day With Jyushimatsu (edited)

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Y/n POV:

It was the next day, and I was woken up by none other than Jyushimatsu and Franziska. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! You've had enough sleep already! It's time to start the day strong."

I just groaned and pulled the covers up in an attempt to go back to sleep. 'It's too early to have to deal with these two.'

That attempt was useless though because Franziska pulled the pillow away, and Jyushimatsu started to jump on top of the blankets. "Alright, alright. I'm up, I'm up! I have an alarm clock you know. It hasn't even gone off yet so what time is it?" I reach over to where my phone was and picked it up.

"5:04 AM. You have got to be kidding me....." I try to lay down again, but Franziska stops me with her arm. "Nope. Sorry Y/n, but it's time to get ready. You've been sleeping in for too long for the past couple of days."

I just glared at her when hearing her reason for waking me up. "One, I am an adult, so I can sleep as long as I want, and two, you don't control when I wake up!"

She simply sighed and shook her head. "One, you don't act like it, and two, I might as well knowing you. And lastly, I'm the one with the job here, so I'd say I'm the one that's more of an adult here." I just huffed in annoyance and got up so that I could start my day.

"Whatever. Now get out. I'm going to change." Franziska just sighed and pulled Jyushimatsu out of the room. Franziska still being inside of the room.

"You too! Out! Shoo!" Franziska just sighs again and walks closer to me. "Are you seriously still like this? We're both girls so it shouldn't matter."

"Uhuh. See where that takes you after telling a few more bi folk that." I say while pushing her out as well.

"Wear something that you don't mind getting dirt on, okay? You're going to go on your date with Jyushimatsu once you are finished changing." I just nod to myself I as I look at my options.

I decided to go with a casual outfit that consisted of a pair of pants and a shirt. "You done Y/n?" I nod my head, but then realize that she can't see me. "Yeah, I'm all done. Just let me feed Titus."

I fill up his bowls with food and water and left after I rubbed around his ear and under his chin. 'I wish I could spend more time with him.'

I open and close the door behind me as I look at the two morning people in front of me. "Good morning Y/n /-san!" They both say in unison. I just nod my head and walk towards the kitchen.

'Starting to get flashbacks to the Red Run twins.'

"Whatcha making Y/n?" Franziska leans over and looks at what I was preparing. "I'm making waffles shaped like cats and dogs. This one is a Russian Blue, this one is a Calico, and that one is a Tabby." Franziska nodded while looking clearly uninterested in my cat waffles, and then walked away.

"Do you want some eggs and bacon as well, or will this be enough for breakfast?" Franziska replies with a yes, and then walks back up to the room. Most likely feeding and playing with d/n.

'Yes was definitely a possible answer for my questions...'

I finish making breakfast, and everyone is now awake as they walk downstairs. I gave Ichi a smile and small wave when I saw him, and he just looked away with a faint blush on his face.

'I guess he's still getting used to the idea of being friends.'

We all sit down and begin to eat. Choromatsu, Ichi, and myself grabbed the cat shaped waffles, and Franziska and Osomatsu grabbed the dog shaped waffles.

Karamatsu grabbed a sun shaped waffle that I had made, and Totty was the only one that had reached for the heart shaped one. While Jyushimatsu enjoyed my baseball shaped waffles. (I decided to do more than cats and dogs in the end if you couldn't already tell)

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now