Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Special Lunch

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Y/n POV:

Ren has been making me work non stop for the past few days because more and more people are liking my manga.

It's good that people are liking it, but it makes my me time shrink which isn't that good if you ask me.

I finally have a day to rest because of the all nighters that I've been doing recently so I'm underneath my warm blankets with Titus curled up next to me.

I was just closing my eyes when the door to my room opened. "Y/n-chan! Guess what?"

'You're a good person Choromatsu, but go away.'

"What? Does it have something to do with Nyaa Chan?" My hair wasn't messed up since I didn't sleep so I don't have bed head, but I have huge dark circles under my eyes. Choromatsu didn't seem to notice though, and even started to squeal like a little girl.

'Five points to me for getting it right.'

"I won a lunch with Nyaa Chan!" I was happy for him because he was such a big fan of her, and so I was able to give him a smile and thumbs up.

"Nice! When is-"


My eyes widened a little bit because of the sudden outburst, and it was then when I had finally noticed that Choromatsu looked like he worked on his appearance for at least an hour.

"Wow. Good luck then!" I smiled at him before pulling the covers back over my head and closing my eyes to get at least some sleep today.

I heard footsteps, so I assumed that Choromatsu was leaving, but nope. He pulled my blanket off of me. I yelped from the cold air, and was now glaring at Choromatsu as I tried to get my warm blanket back from him.

"Please help me Y/n-chan! You're friends with Nyaa Chan, and I don't want to mess this up so please tell me what to do!"

He was bowing to me with my blanket in his arms. I sighed, and grabbed my blanket. "Sure. Why not, right? How do you want me to help you, and can I stay under my blanket while helping you?" He nodded his head, and I covered myself once again with the blanket.

"Let's start with where you two are going to go. Do you already know that?" Choromatsu shook his head and I sighed. "She's probably going to choo-"

"I have to pick the place. Do you know Nyaa Chan's favorite place to have lunch?" 'Well, her favorite is my cooking...'

"One of her favorite places to eat is this one crepe place that has a neko theme. I remember her really liking it when we went."

Choromatsu looked like he was thinking about that, but he then looked a little bit displeased. "Where's her favorite place to go? I want to take her to her favorite place to eat."

I gave him an 'Are you serious' face before sighing and slowly shaking my head. "She told me that her favorite place to eat was my place because she loves my cooking so much. See? Now, that can't work, so just go to the crepe-"


'What? Didn't you just hear me?' Choromatsu has sparkles in his eyes and was now shaking my hand with both of his.

"Please cook Nyaa Chan's favorite lunch for us!" 'Oh wait, now I see what's going on. It's because he's broke and can't afford to pay for the bill.'

"Of course! Just let me have at least a few hours of sleep and I'll get right to it. If you don't let me sleep then no specially made Nyaa Chan lunches for anyone."

He looked like he just noticed the bags underneath my eyes after hearing this, and quickly left because of my little 'threat' that I told him.


[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now