Chapter Twenty-Five: Takahashi-san!

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Y/n POV:

All of us except for Osomatsu were sitting at random spots at the park. I was sitting on the swings next to Ichimatsu.

Everyone looked so sad and depressed. I figured that they were remembering what happened to them around this time.

It hurt a lot to see them like this, and then I remembered that today was the day that I confessed to her.

She was so amazing, and beautiful, and talented. I was so happy when she said yes. We were the happiest couple that you could ever see during the time that we were together.

The only thing was that she didn't want our relationship to be public. I respected that, and also understood her reasoning.

Then an accident happened the day after I confessed, and she was put in the hospital. It was the saddest day of my life because she died on that same hospital bed.

My Mom was also in the same hospital, and also died later that day. I've sort of grown a mild fear of hospitals after that day too.

I was starting to cry, and I honestly didn't care because it looked like everyone else was too. "Hey you damn virgins! Want some beer?" Osomatsu was now officially on my good list.

I wiped my tears away, and started to walk over. "Couldn't have had better timing Osomatsu." I was smiling at him, and then took a beer.

They all sat down on the bench while I stood behind them because there was no room for me. "I resent what you called me, but the beer makes up for it."

Osomatsu then looked at me with a semi shocked face. "You're a virgin Y/n-chan?" I faced Osomatsu, and then answered him. "Yup. She died before our relationship got any further, and I haven't had a girlfriend or boyfriend ever since then. I'm over it now, but it kind of sucks. Especially since today was the day that I confessed to her."

I then took another gulp before finishing it and throwing it away. Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu looked at each other when I said this, and the mood became a little more depressed.

"I'm sorry to hear that." I just waved my hand and smiled. It wasn't a fake one either.

"It's fine, seriously. I need to move on from my past anyway. Getting dragged into this world actually somewhat helped with that if I had to be honest with you. Though tomorrow is going to really suck. You guys will be graduating tomorrow!"

They all lightly smiled and talked about what they were like after I said this. It was fun and interesting to listen to.

Then they went on about who the 'weird one' was. I personally voted on all of them being the weird one.

They all started to laugh, and I noticed that Karamatsu was the only one not laughing.

I crouched down next to him, and whispered into his left ear. "If you keep acting all depressed like that then I really will kiss you I swear."

He seemed to have been brought out of his thoughts by that, and started to blush while looking at me while I smiled.

'I can't stand to see people like him sad or depressed. It just doesn't seem right. Anything other than that it's fine. Just not sad or depressed.'

The other five of them then went on about how everyone compared them which made me laugh a little because of their expressions and they way they were talking.

Karamatsu then stood up and decided to speak. "Guys...I'm sorry. I think I'm the one who has regrets."

I was proud of Karamatsu for finally saying that. Of course I already figured that out, but I wanted him to say it if anything.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now