Chapter One: Meeting the Matsunos(Edited)

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For context: Y/n is 23 years old, and has recently finished her last year at the university she went to in America.

She is now currently back in her hometown though after being gone since when she was in middle school, but unfortunately has no place to stay due to there being no more living relatives in the area.

Because of this she needs to find both a job and place to stay, and fast if she doesn't want to spend all the money she has left on a temporary motel.

~At the Matsuno's~

3rd POV:

"Listen up you NEETs of mine! Your Father and I have decided to go on a nice long vacation. Therefore, we will be leaving everything up to you six. Bills, groceries, cleaning, and everything/anything else you can think of. This way you will all have to find a job and finally learn some independence for once in your lives."

Matsuyo said this while putting a hand on her hip and pointing at six identical grown men in their mid-twenties with her other hand with a serious look on her face.

"HUH?!!!??" Our favorite six virgin NEETs now all had pale white faces from shock at the mere mention of having to get a job and paying for things without the help of their Mom, or, "'Kaa-San".

"But Mommy~ How are we supposed to pay for all of these things? Surly you and Daddy can reconsider." Karamatsu said as his sunglasses had dropped from his face onto the floor due to the shock. It was also very difficult for him to not let his voice and 'cool guy' act falter any more than it already has.

On the other hand, Osomatsu was panicking at the mere mention of getting a job. After all, out of all of them he was the one that wanted to just stay home and have fun.

"Surely you can give us some money to start off with, right?" It was obvious that Matsuyo was fed up with them, but the thought of giving them even more money for this seemed to push her over the edge. "If you want money then get a job! You NEETs need to start acting like adults for once in your lives!"

Matsuyo was worried about what might happen to the house if she were to leave, but she knew that she had to do this. If she didn't, then she also knew that she definitely wouldn't get those grand kids that she had been slowly losing hope on over the years.

So, in the end, this is what ended up happening:

"Goodbye you six NEETs of mine! You better not be NEETs when we get back~!" Matsuyo said with a wave and smile. Though that smile did seem a little bit fake at the time. Matsuzou on the other hand was sweating like crazy from nervousness while his wife led him to the car.

~Minutes after they left~

"What do we do now!?!? There's no way you five will be able to get a job! And Totty got fired from Sutabaa(Starbucks), remember?!" Choromatsu had always been 'looking for jobs', but never had any luck.

"Alright! I've got an idea! Let's just find a roommate to pay for all of this stuff! That way we won't have to look for a job!" Osomatsu said as he started thinking about who to ask (trick) to be their roommate and have them take care of everything instead of the six of them.

"How would we even find anyone my bruzzah~?" Karamatsu said as he had put his sunglasses back on and leaned against the wall as he tried to seem cool by looking off into the distance.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now