Chapter Sixteen: Christmas!

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Y/n POV:

It's Christmas!

I was barely able to sleep last night because of how excited I was, but that's fine. Sleep is for the weak anyway.

I didn't even bother to change out of my pajamas because I was too eager to see their faces when they open their gifts. 'I really hope that they like them.'

I first went over to where I kept Titus's wet food though because Titus comes first way before me. "You get your special breakfast today. I'll be back later, okay? Don't bring any girl or boy cats home got it?" I giggled at the last part I said and waved to Titus as I walked down to the kitchen.

Matsuyo was already there cooking, and my face lit up while also drooling a little bit when I smelled how good the food smelled. "Wow~ It smells so good! Would you mind if I made something as well? It's a sweet type of breakfast dessert of sorts."

She said that I could make whatever I wanted as long as I cleaned up after myself which made me smile even more. I quickly went to grabbing my needed ingredients after hearing the okay from Matsuyo.

Twelve minutes later I was done, and I was trying so hard not to eat one. "So, what was it that you wanted to make dear?" Matsuyo was finished making breakfast, and was now looking at the dish that I had made.

"It's better known as French Toast. It was originally a treat made in England during the 17th century. My middle school used to serve them all the time for the side dish for lunch."

I held up the platter to her so that she could try it. She took a piece and bit into it, but as soon as she did her eyes widened and her face lit up a bit. "It's so sweet! What did you use?"

I was really happy that she liked it, and showed her what I did, well, technically it's what Franziska showed me, but I still made these ones, which might have led to me making more, but that's completely fine with me lol.

'If I make more or extra then there will be more for me, and more for me is definitely okay in this case.'

Matsuyo and I put breakfast on the tables, and then Matsuyo called everyone down for breakfast. 'Christmas breakfast? Check. We open gifts after breakfast, right? Right? Oh I'm so excited!'

My excitement was shown on my face too, and I think Matsuyo understood because she said that we'll all go over to the tree after breakfast. After hearing this I felt even more excited.

It was like I was a little kid again that was hoping that Santa brought what they wanted for being nice all year.

I was the second one to finish breakfast after Jyushimatsu, and we both went over to the tree that was hovering over the presents that had colorful designs on the paper that hid what was inside.

Some were squared, others were rectangular, some didn't even really have a shape at all because they sort of morphed to the way that you held it.

A few minutes later everyone else was here, and we all sat around the tree. I walked over to the tree and looked over all of the gifts that were placed underneath it.

"What should the order of passing everything out be?" I had part of Matsuyo and Mr. Matsuno's gift inside my pocket in case they had them go first.

That was far from the case though...

"Oldest to youngest!"

"No! Youngest to oldest!"

"May I go first my Kara-Oof!"

"Anyone but you would be fine Kusomatsu!"

"Me first! Me first!"

I decided to do youngest to oldest because oldest to youngest is how the dates went. "Here you go Totty! I hope that you like it. It surprisingly took quite a while to do."

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now