Chapter Thirty-Eight: Recovering

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Y/n POV:




I was slowly opening my eyes, but immediately regretted it when my eyes were starting to hurt from the bright light.

Because of this I lifted up my arms so that I could try and block some of the light.

I noticed that my throat felt beyond dry too, and that was when I remembered what had happened.



I was able to look over to see Titus on what seems like a hospital bed that I was lying on.

Everyone else that was there looked over, and they seemed to almost immediately run over to me before hugging the living daylights out of me.


"We were so worried!"

"Are you alright?!"

It was safe to say that talking probably wasn't the best option, so I just nodded my head while smiling.


"I'm fine, and thank you for worrying about me."

'It is now very handy to have him be able to say what I'm thinking.'

It looked like all of them didn't trust me when I said this, and it was probably because I could barely say this.

I was actually pretty worried, but this was because it was surprisingly really hard to breath at random moments now.

"Don't try to talk desu. You ended up tearing and stretching your vocal cords far too much. They need to heal desu. Here."

Dekapan handed me a cup of tea, and I felt like a little kid while accepting and drinking it after nodding my head.

While drinking it I ended up coughing since I was only able to breath through my mouth right now, and my lungs seemed to be out of rhythm as well.

'Well, this definitely sucks.'

"This sucks."

I couldn't help but smile a little bit when Titus voiced my thought without me saying anything.

"Huweh! That's right dasu! Have your cat talk for you while you heal. It seems like you ended up tearing a few of your muscles too. So I recommend having someone help you. Try to stay away from doing anything really physical for a few days."

I went back to lying down on the hospital bed while also letting out a very shaky sigh.

"So, Y/n will really be okay then?"

Karamatsu seemed to be acting completely different then how he usually does. His voice seemed to be a little bit higher too. It was obvious that he was one of the most worried out of all of them.

What was surprising though was that Ichimatsu wasn't even hiding the fact that he was worried about me. He wasn't even looking at anyone other then me while Dekapan and everyone else talked.

I was able to give him a small smile, but that seemed to make him feel even sadder. Seeing that made me sad as well, and Titus was now rubbing his head against his hand.

"She should be fine as long as she doesn't push herself too hard. It might have been a different story if she kept relying on adrenaline alone for a whole longer though dasu."

I couldn't help but sweat a little bit when hearing this, and it didn't help when all of them looked back at me.

"Well, this is awkward."

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now