Chapter Five: Cooking Competition!(Edited)

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Y/n POV:

I got out some aprons for all of us to wear after I was able to convince all three of them to help with the cooking for tonight.

'They look so cute in them! Ah, wait! No fantasies! That's how you got a nosebleed last time, and now they will probably know why.'

"So, have you decided what to make?"

"Uh, I don't know. Is spaghetti alright?" Franziska asks as she tilts her head a little bit in confusion.


"That's a perfect start! It super easy to make, and you can have some fun while making it too! First we'll need to get out some pots and a lid to match. Then add water up to here." I say as a point to a spot on the inside of the pot that Osomatsu and Choromatsu got out.

Franziska filled it with water and put it onto the stove before looking at me again. "Now what? Do we add the noodles or do we start the stove first?" Choromatsu asked while looking over at me.

"Neither. Now we start with the sauce. Osomatsu, get the meat out. You two put these gloves on. When handling meat it's always best to wear gloves just in case, and also it's weird to touch it with your bare hands."

'And also I'm a bit too germaphobic to be able to think about the fact that your bare duty hands were handling the food.'

I hand a pair to Franziska as well after telling Choromatsu and Osomatsu this.

"What about you? Why aren't you wearing any gloves?" Osomatsu asks while looking at me with a weird look. It was similar to the look that you would give a hypocrite. Can't exactly blame him though since he, along with the others, aren't mind readers.
'At least I hope none of them are.'

"Well, that's because I'm only going to instruct you. I will not be interfering at all. I want to see what you can make with just my instructions. I'm sure that it will be very interesting in the end too, and hopefully not in disaster. You may now refer to me as Y/n-Sensei! And today you guys shall make dinner for all of us!"

'Hopefully I don't have to put out a fire because I don't feel like cooking today...'

Franziska looked at me with a worried face after hearing this. Most likely because of the fact that she thinks that I can't give proper instructions.

It looks like Choromatsu and Osomatsu are being a bit more cautious too because they will have to eat whatever they end up making.

'Let's make a game out of this~' I had a sly look on my face while thinking this before putting on a big smile with my arms reached out to them.

"Let's make this into a competition, shall we~? Whoever makes the best spaghetti can have me do one thing of their choosing. For money I will only give you 1,ooo yen though. No way do I want to be broke, and you can't make me get rid of anything. I'm looking at you Franziska. I'll be the judge of course. I'll have a blindfold on too so that I don't choose favorites, okay? Now let's begin!"

All three of them had different reactions to this. Franziska just sighed and looked bored. Osomatsu looked like he might lose it. His face was also red. 'Probably thinking something perverted.'

Choromatsu on the other hand was just mumbling to himself as he also had a blush growing on his face.

'Deku who?'

"You can ask for help if you need it, and make sure that you don't overcook your noodles. It's a good idea to test it every now and again by biting into one of the pieces of spaghetti so that you get the right firmness or flimsiness too. Oh, and losers have to do whatever I want, okay~?" Franziska finally started to act like she'd take this seriously after finding out that I could make the turns table.

[Love?]Osomatsu San x Reader (currently under heavy editing)Where stories live. Discover now