Chapter 2- The Iceman

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It had been a year since Eurus almost killed Mycroft. His parents were on talking terms with him again. They understood that everything he did had to be done but they hadn't forgiven him completely and, he don't expect them to. He did what had to be done, he didn't regret it and he wouldn't. He couldn't justify his actions any further. 

Everything was back to normal. Well as normal as it can be considering Mycroft still occupied a 'minor' position in the British government. Sherlock and Mycroft were in a good place, as good as they could be but Mycroft still worried about Sherlock constantly. He always would.

He had heard from Dr. Watson that they had a new neighbour. Maybe he could get her to spy on Sherlock for him, he thought. From the looks of it, she was just an ordinary woman who owned a bakery called Tara's.

After a long day of work, Mycroft decided to go pay this new neighbour of Sherlock's a visit. And, he could always use a slice of cheesecake. It was late and the bakery was completely empty except for the short, dark-haired woman cleaning the tables. Tara.

Tara stood behind the counter cleaning up. There wasn't much to do except clean and close up so, so she had sent Grace home. As she cleaned the tables she heard the bell ring. She wasn't expecting customers that late. A part of her was scared. She looked up to find a gentleman dressed in a three-piece suit and an umbrella in his hand. He did't look threatening so she relaxed under his steady gaze. She wanted to tell him that they were closed but he looked like a decent man so she figured she could wait a little longer to close up. She walked up to his table to take his order. 

'Good Evening Sir. What can I get you?' she asked and presented him with a menu.

Mycroft didn't bother looking at the menu or the display case, 'Good Evening. I'll have a slice of the cheesecake and a cup of tea'. 

'It'll be right up, Sir' Tara said and walked away.  She got his cheesecake and tea and place them on the table, before walking away again. 

'Why don't you join me, Ms. Matthews? Please, I insist' Mycroft said with a straight smile and pushed the chair in front of him with his foot.

Tara stood in front of him, surprised. It was her first time running a bakery and waiting tables but she still didn't think this was a normal occurrence. How did he know her name? A lot of red flags stood up in her brain. She tried not to show her nervousness and sat across from him, 'Who are you?' she asked, with a composed expression.

Mycroft ignored her question and took a bit of the cheesecake, 'Do you know Sherlock Holmes, Ms. Matthews?' he asked.

Tara smiled 'That is not the answer to my question'. 

Mycroft raised an eyebrow, impressed by her stubbornness, 'An interested party.' 

'Interested in what exactly?' she asked with a cocky smile. 

Yet again she had surprised him, 'You don't seem very afraid' he remarked.

'You don't seem very frightening'

'Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity, don't you think?'

'What is it that you want?' 

'What is your connection to Sherlock Holmes?' 

'He is my neighbour but you already knew that. Didn't you?' she said with a sly smile. 

'You're clever' he raised an eyebrow and smirked. 

'Who are you?' 

'The closest thing to a friend that Sherlock Holmes is capable of having.' 

'And what's that?' 

'An enemy' 

' enemy?' 

'In his mind certainly. If you were to ask him, he'd probably say his arch-enemy' 

'Quite like Sherlock you too have a flare for the dramatic. What do you want?' 

'I'd be happy to pay a meaningful sum of money on a regular basis. You could give this little bakery of yours a nice upgrade.' 


'Because you are not a wealthy lady and this bakery could use an upgrade' he said as he looked around at the simple decor of the bakery.

'In exchange for?' 

'Information. Nothing indiscreet.... nothing you'd feel uncomfortable with. Just tell me what he is up to' 

'Why would you want that?' 

'I worry about him, constantly' 

'Isn't that sweet of you' 

'But I would prefer for various reasons that my concerns go unmentioned, we have what you might call a..... difficult relationship' 


'But I haven't mentioned a figure yet' 

'I'm not doing it' 

'You are very loyal very quickly, Ms. Matthews' 

'No... I am just not selling myself'

'You have quite a lot of integrity, Ms. Matthews' He was done eating his cheesecake and drinking his tea so Tara stood and cleaned up. 

As she was walking away,  smirked 'Don't worry, Mr. Holmes. I will not mention any of this to Sherlock' 

He looked surprised, taken aback that she knew who he was. 

'You're the brother aren't you, ..... the Iceman?' it was a rhetorical question. He just smiled at her. 'I've heard about you...Don't worry. I'll look out for your brother' she said with a sweet smile.

Mycroft smiled gratefully and stood up, 'How much do I owe you, Ms. Matthews?'.

'Oh...It's on the house. Do come again, Mr. Holmes' Tara said genuinely.

'Good Night, Ms. Matthews' 

'Goodnight, Mr. Holmes'.

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