Chapter 40- The Signs of Three

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I am Proud of you:

When he entered the house, he went straight to his bedroom upstairs and found his pregnant wife packing his bag. She smiled at him when he entered the bedroom.

They almost never greeted each other, a small smile or nod was enough for them.

'A new assignment? You have to leave immediately, right? Dad called.' She told him with a smile. He didn't reply, just looked at her guiltily. She continued 'The bullet-proof jacket is ready. Guns and holsters are packed. I have packed three pairs of clothes, that should suffice, right?' She asked him avoiding the elephant in the room.

'Aren't you bothered by the fact that you are married to a man who is on duty round the clock? That you are one too.' He asked as he sat on the bed with his back facing her.

'Every wife wants her husband to come home on time. But I.....' her voice shook '...I just want my husband to come back alive. This is the life we chose. We wouldn't survive a day without our jobs. This is our life' she tried to joke, but it was the truth 'I often think about it. About our jobs. It worries me. But when I think about how good we are at what we do, I feel proud. There is a certain pride in serving one's country. I feel proud of myself. I feel proud of you and I feel proud to be your wife.' She told him with a smile.

'I shouldn't be going. Leaving you alone at a time like this.' He shook his head. He was disappointed in himself.

'I am going be fine. I don't really need you. I can handle myself. You have to go, they need you' she told him in a stern voice.

He stood up and walked around the bed towards her. He held her hand 'I don't know if I am good enough or not but the fact that you believe in me, it gives me the strength to defy the odds' he kissed her forehead.

'If I had tried to stop you from going, would you stop' she asked

'No' he sighed and whispered.

She smiled at him proudly and caressed his face. 'Don't die' she chuckled.

'I'll try not to' he played along.


Mycroft and Tara sat in the film room, watching one of Mycroft's favorite movies. Unlike always Mycroft paid no attention to the film on the screen. His eyes fixed on Tara.

She noticed him staring at her 'What?' she asked

'It's like you never left' his face shows a hint of a smile.

'But I did' she said shamefully and looked away.

'Aren't you even a little upset that I refused to listen to you?' Mycroft asked.

'In a moment of my weakness, I said something I regret. It was wrong of me to expect you to quit your job. If you had listened to me and quit, I would have blamed myself. I know you love your job and I know how much it matters to you. Your job is a part of who you are. A part of who you have become. If I tried to change that you wouldn't be the man I fell in love with. I am ashamed of what I asked of you.' Her head dropped at the last sentence.

He lifted her chin with his finger and looked at her eyes 'You were scared for our future. I can understand that.'

She blinked back the tears and kissed his forehead 'I am so so very proud of you for not listening to me, for being the man you are. It takes a lot of strength to be you, Mycroft Holmes.'

Mycroft smiled at her lovingly, bringing his hand to her face he gently stroked her cheek with his thumb.

'But I would be a lot less worried about you if you were good at combat. For someone who has a sword AND a gun in their umbrella, you're terrible with both.' She teased 'I am still proud of you though' she added with a smirk.

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