Chapter 11- Confrontation- Stop Lying

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Sherlock and John were sitting on their respective chairs. Rosie was already in bed, John was drinking his tea, thinking about something and Sherlock was typing something on his phone.

'So, Mycroft and Tara. Really?' John asked in utter confusion.

'Yes, John. One would think it was obvious to you from the events of last night' Sherlock stated, as a matter of fact, not even looking up from his phone.

'Yes, but don't you brothers think 'Sentiment is a chemical defect found on the losing side'' John asked. The Iceman having feelings. That wasn't possible. Not in his book.

'Clearly, Mycroft has changed his mind' Sherlock said while still typing on his phone.

'I never thought he was capable of love. Is it love?' John wondered.

'Well, I guess it's time to find out' Sherlock said getting up from his chair.

'Where are you going?' John called out after Sherlock.

'It's time. Tara should be here in two minutes.' he said as he left the apartment.

John would have gone behind him to stop him but didn't want to leave his sleeping daughter alone. He knew he would regret it later. He already felt sorry for the woman.


'There is my brother's blushing bride' Sherlock teased as Tara neared her apartment.

Tara breathed out in exasperation. Of course, he knew. This wasn't what she needed right now.

'Sherlock, I have had a very exhausting and difficult day, I don't have time for this' she starts to walk towards her apartment but Sherlock blocks her.

'I am sure you are very tired after shagging my brother' he said smugly.

'Sherlock, nothing is going on between Mycroft and me. There never will be.' Tara told him sternly.

'You're clearly lying, considering the mark he left on you' Sherlock pointed at the hickey on her neck.

'Sherlock, please stop it. It was a mistake that will never happen again' she cried and tried to get away.

 It was a mistake that will never happen again' she cried and tried to get away

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Sherlock almost felt guilty, but this was regarding his brother. 'You don't think last night was a mistake, do you?'

'Well... people make mistakes, and I'm only human' she explained.

'Not people like you' he told her.

She shook her head. 'Mycroft and I will never work' she said.

It was delusional of her to think she could have a normal life again. Her life was way too complicated for that. She couldn't, in good conscience, rope Mycroft into it.

'You need to stop lying to yourself, and you need to stop lying to him.' he said softly and left.

For the second time that day, a Holmes had left her alone to think about what she had just done. She broke his heart. A man who understood her more than anyone had in a long time. She entered her house and cried herself to sleep.

Edited by- Akshita765

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