Chapter 5- Cheesecake and Tea

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Hey guys! Let me warn you this is a long chapter to compensate for the previous one. I hope you like it.

First Meeting:

A young Tara walks around the college campus trying to get to her next class.

'Hey!' he called out to her.

'Yes?' Tara stopped on her tracks, turned around, and asked.

'Stand on one leg' he told her.

'No' she refused flatly.

'I am sorry. Come again' slightly shocked

'No. 'N' 'O'. No' she repeated herself.

'You realize we're ragging you right?' he asked still shocked.

'Yes. And I really thought you were different?' Tara told him.

'Why?' he asked in an amused manner.

'I heard your speech in the debate, very impressive.' Tara told him.

'And?' He smirked.

'Well! Your passion compensated very well for the flawed argument you presented. You convinced everyone there' She smiled smugly.

He raised an eyebrow and smirked 'Oh really? Please explain to me what was wrong with my argument.' He faked an interest.

'With pleasure. We live in India, the seventh-largest country in the world, the second-largest democracy in the world. 3,287,263 sq km of area, 3214km from north to south, 2933km from east to west, the land frontier of 15,200km, and a coastline of 7,517km. 27 states and 5 union territories. A population of 0.86 billion people who speak 19,596 languages and dialects, 22 scheduled languages.' She lectured him and he rolled his eyes. So, she cut it short.

'Can you seriously overlook caste, creed, community, gender, socio-economic status of every individual and speak about equality? Not everyone's life is the same, not everyone's circumstances are the same and not everyone's problems are the same. You can't judge everyone on the same scale. You're over-romanticizing a situation that needs a much more logical approach.' She challenged.

He went close to her and reached for her hand. He twisted her hand pinning her against him 'You should have been on the losing team. They would've had a shot at winning' he kissed her cheek 'Even if you were bloody Jennifer Aniston this is what I would've done. Now have I proven my point?' he smirked.

She flipped him over pinning him to the ground 'Tonight 7 pm at Gianni's.' she told him and let go of him.

'I'm sorry?' he asked in shock, still lying on the ground.

'I haven't asked anyone in this academy out on a date. I am asking you, which means you're privileged, which means everyone is not the same. Now have I proven my point?' She said smugly.

He looked at a dumbfounded yet awestruck. She took his phone and added a number.

'Don't be late' she said as she left.


'So, let me get this right you're going out on a date with a guy who tried to rag you. Why?' Vikrant asked her in confusion, he was still trying to comprehend the story his sister had just told him.

Tara shrugged as she took a bite of his ice cream. 'I don't know. Seems interesting. And he wasn't ragging. It was innocent fun.' She explained and sneaked another bite before Vikrant moved his ice cream away from her.

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