Chapter 36- The Complete Love of an Incomplete Life

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John hurried into 221b Baker Street and found Tara sitting on the couch, reading one of Sherlock's case files. He hung his coat and bag before walking up to her. 'Thank you so much, Tara. You're a life saver' he said and kissed her cheek.

Tara smiled 'It's alright, John. Where is Sherlock?'

'Sherlock's out on a case with Mycroft. Didn't he tell you?' John asked as he relaxed on his chair.

Tara was taken aback. Mycroft had told her he was going for some diplomatic work. He had lied to her. He had said he hated legwork. 'No' she huffed a laugh and asked. 'Where are they exactly?'

'Well, some case in Russia. Mycroft gave Sherlock the case and he got into trouble so, Mycroft's gone there to bail him out. They're going to work together on this one. Though you can imagine how that would go...' John said absentmindedly.

'Right. This wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that the east wing of the Kremlin just blew up, right?' she pursed her lips and nodded.

It was then that John noticed the look on Tara's face, she was upset. 'Tara, they'll be fine. We slay dragons all the time.' he tried to assure her.

Tara bit the inside of her cheek and nodded. 'Yeah. Umm... Rosie has had her dinner and is already in bed. I made you a plate, it's in the microwave' Tara told John and got up.

'Tara...' John tried to stop her as she hurriedly gathered her stuff.

She paid no attention to him and rushed to the door. 'Thanks, John....Bye' she said as she shut the door behind her.

John wondered if he should call Mycroft and inform him about the storm coming his way. Maybe not.


'Fancy place. Didn't know this was your style. A little too much, extra even don't you think?' Tara heard a familiar voice in the living room.

'Hey' she went near him.

'Hey!' he said excitedly.

'What are you doing here?' she whispered, almost afraid to get too near to him.

'Well! I am sitting in the living room of your mansion so, I'm guessing maybe you need someone to talk to' he stated in an obvious manner.

'I'm absolutely fine' she said defensively. He just raised his eyebrow at her and smirked 'Okay, I'm not fine. But I don't need you knowing I've turned into a worrying mess.'

'You were always a worrying mess. I just let it slide because you were HOT and way out of my league. Still are' he winked.

Tara shook her head. 'I don't know. I've gotten older' she tucked a strand of stray hair behind her year.

'You're still just as beautiful' he said looking into her eyes.

Tara averted her gaze. Those eyes. That spark. 'Thank you' she smiled and shook her head. She sat down on the couch next to him.

'You know, I'm seeing someone? .........Are you angry with me?' she asked hesitantly.

'I know and no, I am not angry. You had to move on. I'm glad you did' he told her with a smile.

'Are you jealous?' she asked cockily.

'Are you kidding? He has a tough act to follow and not a lot of hair on his head. I wish him well' he laughed.

'Hey! Mycroft is great you know' she smacked his arm.

'I know. He is just a bit old don't you think?' he joked.

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