Chapter 34- The Steel Horse and The Rose

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Mycroft was surprised by the knock on his door. It was 11 at night. Who could it possibly be at this hour? He wondered and went to get the door. He wasn't that surprised by who it was, he already saw it in the security footage.

'What are you doing here?' he asked Tara, who stood in front of him, drenched in rain and a suitcase in her hand. He ignored his instinct to cover her up in something warm. He would maintain his normal passive-aggressive, cold exterior, he was still upset with her. He couldn't exactly tell why, but mostly because she was taking so long to make up her mind.

'Ummmnmm. Trying to make a big romantic gesture?... Wow, I really suck at this, I haven't done this in a while....' She rambled 'I am moving in with you. I am all in. Here I am' she said awkwardly, wondering why Mycroft was making her stand outside in the cold.

Mycroft nodded in confusion and looked down at the suitcase in her hand. 'All your things fit in one bag?' Mycroft mused. He knew Tara wouldn't pull some juvenile prank on him. Sure, she joked around but there were lines she knew not to cross with Mycroft. Yet, Mycroft found it a little hard to trust her this time. Something that struck him as a little odd since, from the beginning of their relationship they both had shown so much trust towards each other, especially for their circumstances and the people they were. And now,.... well, he wasn't lying to her, it was more like, omission of truth. He didn't want to worry her for no reason. He loved her but a part of his decision to ask her to move in with him was because he was worried about her safety. The fact that they had an argument a few weeks ago and ever since the argument Tara had been hesitant about moving in was concerning for him. Even if Tara assured him, she wasn't thinking about having a child, their argument plagued him from time to time.

Tara wanted to roll her eyes at him. Here she was trying to make a romantic gesture and Mycroft was thinking about her suitcase. 'No. I packed all of my things but I couldn't bring them all here by myself.' She laughed awkwardly. 'But I did want to make a big romantic gesture so, I brought this one bag with me. I'll go back and get the rest of it later.' She shivered as the cold wind rushes past her, making her voice tremble. She hoped Mycroft would let her come inside the house because one, she was freezing, her teeth were beginning to chatter, and two, they were letting in all the cold air inside the house.

A small smile bloomed on Mycroft's lips and he shook his head at his partner's antics. He wasn't completely against the gesture but, she could have very well made it at a more appropriate hour. Like in the morning or sometime it wasn't raining and she wasn't freezing. 'Don't bother, I'll ask Thomas to get it tomorrow. Give this to me' he said and went to take the bag from her hand.

'It's a trolley bag, Mycroft. I can roll it in myself' she rolled her eyes and told him

'This is my romantic gesture, just give it to me' he told her.

'Oh, right. Here you go!' she smiled and gave him the bag. Tara linked her arm in Mycroft's as they went inside.


Tara's move was simple and smooth. She knew the Holmes brothers hated change. So, she tried not to spook Mycroft. It was a big deal for Mycroft to ask her to move in with him, she didn't want to push him too much. The extravagance of his house didn't really bother her so, she made no effort to change it. It reminded her of something and it was oddly comforting. Though one thing she thought was a bit too much. The steel horses in the dining room. They were the only things she had asked Mycroft to get rid of and he had reluctantly agreed. That was the least he could do, he thought and putting up with Tara's insane habit of playing Bette Midler over and over on full blast. Mycroft would never get used to listening to The Rose on repeat.

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