Chapter 47- Sane love is no love at all

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It had been a month since Tara's whole world came crashing down. Shekhar brought her to their family home, where her mother, her uncles, and her brothers tried to help her recover and grieve. She was the baby of the family, always had been. Everyone loved her and was very concerned for her well-being. But she refused to speak to anyone, locking herself up in her bedroom.

'Mitra' Leela, her mother called out to her. She was the only person who called her 'Mitra'. It meant angel. It broke Leela's heart when Shekhar told her about what happened. She was at the Capital and couldn't get there in time to comfort her daughter.

Tara didn't respond.

Bo, their family dog came and started licking her. But nothing. No response. The dog had been a present to Tara from Tej, when they were young and only dating. He told her that she was the first woman he loved and even if they didn't work out, he wanted her to always remember him. The bloodhound was supposed to remind her of Tej when he was away. The dog loved his mistress and was extremely loyal to her. When the bloodhound saw that his mistress wasn't responding to him, he sadly curled up against her on the bed.

'Mitra, sweetie, I know this is hard, but you can't stay quiet forever' Leela spoke softly. Still no response, Tara continued to stare into space. Leela was afraid she might have lost her daughter forever.

'Mitra, look I brought you food. Waffles topped off with raspberries and some pomegranate juice. You like that don't you?' no response 'I'll just leave it on the table'

'Mitra, your brothers are here. You could all work in the shed, on that monstrous thing you call a bike.' Leela tried again, faking a laugh. She couldn't understand why four grown men and woman would want to ride a four-person bike, but it seemed to make them happy to work on it. 

She wasn't eating or sleeping, she just stared into space. It was worrying her family.

Her godfather Lalit, Shekhar's best friend came.

'Hey Tara, how are doing? he asked, placing IV bags on her nightstand. He looked at Leela and Shekhar who stood at the end of the bed. 'Have you tried feeding her, getting her to drink at least a sip of water?' he whispered.

'Nothing works' Shekhar shook his head and whispered.

'Let me try. Shekhar, let me try to help.' He said as he sat down on the bed.

'Tara, sweetheart talk to us. Let us help you.' He placed his hand on her shoulder. Nothing, absolutely no response. She didn't even blink. 'You have to eat something, sweetheart. You can't be on fluids for long, this is not a permanent solution.' He pleaded.

Shekhar rubbed his hands over his face and breathed out, leaving the room.

'If something doesn't change soon, we're going to have her admitted' Shekhar told Lalit as he came after him.

'Shekhar, she is in a kind of pain that neither of us can even begin to comprehend. She just lost everything.' He argued.

'Don't you think we know that? She hasn't spoken, she hasn't eaten. She isn't even sleeping. I am afraid if we don't do something now, we might lose her. And I cannot lose my daughter.' Leela told him and went back to the room.

'Mitra, Lalit is going to hook you to an IV drip. Alright?' Leela said as she ran her fingers through her daughter's hair.

'This might hurt a little, but you feel better later' Lalit said as he hooked her up to the IV.

Tara doesn't even flinch at the pain. Shekhar sighed and left.


Shekhar walked into Tara's bedroom and sat beside her on the bed.

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