Chapter 48- A kidnapper to Catch

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Tara finished saying whatever she had to say. Sherlock sat in his chair, in his prayer pose. He knew everything since Mycroft had asked him to verify the contents of the file. Not that Mycroft didn't believe Tara but because he was worried about her safety.

Mycroft had his eyes clenched shut. He couldn't imagine the pain, the trauma she had been through. Though he read her file, he didn't know the details. This was just as shocking to him as it was to Sherlock and John. When he had lied to his parents about Eurus's death, they were heartbroken. Tara had held her baby as she took her last breath, that certainly couldn't have been easy. He wondered if his stance on not having children was cruel to Tara. 

John sat in his chair, staring at her in shock. Guilt was washing all over him, he wanted to take back everything he had said to the poor woman. It was too late now.

Tara sat in her chair. Her head bowed down, her hands on her lap. She kneaded her hands as she tried to push away the painful memories of her past.

'I'm sorry' John whispered not wanting to meet her eyes.

'It's alright. You didn't know' she said 'John, you should know. I would never let anyone hurt Rosie. And I would definitely never hurt her' she told him.

'I know. I'm sorry I said those things' he couldn't believe the horrible things he had said to her. He had let his anger get the better of him. He walked up to her, wrapping her in a warm embrace, and apologized again.

'Good that we've settled that. Now we have a kidnapper to catch' Sherlock said and jumped out of his chair.

Tara caught him by his wrist and enveloped him in a bone-crushing hug. 'Thank you, Sherlock...' she whispered into his chest and looked up 'For trusting me' her voice broke as she finished. To everyone's surprise, he hugs her back.


The four of them went to Mycroft's home office to discuss the plan. Mycroft explained the whole situation to Tara.

'I'll go' she said.

'No' Mycroft said firmly.

'Mycroft, a 17-year old girl's life is at risk and everybody within a 200m radius of her is at risk. I have to do this.' She pressed.

'No, it's not safe for you. You could get killed out there.' He said to her.

'Whoever this is, he knows my truth. He knows who I am. I have to do this, Mycroft. I can handle myself' she tried to assure him.

She still saw doubt and worry in his eyes. He knew she was capable of protecting herself but he couldn't help but worry. She walked up to his umbrella stand, taking the gun out of one of his umbrellas. She walked outside. Sherlock, Mycroft, and John took their cue and followed her. She took fruits from the fruit bowl, tossing them up in the air all at once. She shot them, not letting one fruit fall to the ground. John stared at her in shock, he was still trying to wrap his mind around the whole thing. Sherlock subtly dusted off the chunks of fruits off his suit, while Mycroft smirked at her.

'Fine, you've proven yourself. Just be careful' he said to her.

As they discussed ways to proceed further. Tara noticed that Mycroft was still stressed. She gave Sherlock and John a look, taking Mycroft's hand she led him outside. She went to the balcony. She opened the cigarette case set on the small table and handed one to Mycroft. Mycroft didn't smoke often, only when his stress levels reached intolerable levels. He would smoke one here and there to self-medicate his anxiety. Ever since Tara came into his life it had become his habit to share his cigarette with her. This was her twisted way of keeping track of how much he smoked. He brought the cigarette to his lips and Tara lit it. He slowly inhaled, his eyes drifted shut as a sense of calm washed over him. He hated that he was depending on a cigarette, it made him feel weak but he did it anyway. He exhaled and passed the cigarette to Tara. She took a drag.

'This is something I HAVE to do' she said as she exhaled and passed the cigarette.

'I know..... I understand. Doesn't stop me from worrying' he said calmly, looking at the scenery in front of him. His house had a beautiful view, not something he appreciated often.

'I felt the same way when you went after Sherlock, to save him and you didn't tell me. I had a nightmare and a dream' she told him while looking at the sky, taking another drag. 'I dreamt of him'

He glanced at her and understood who she was referring to.

'He told me the only reason I was worried was because, I loved you and I had found my happiness in you. Someone is threatening that. I have to fight him. And to fight him, I need to know who he is' she said, finally turning to him.

'We'll fight him together. I'll come with you.' he said coming closer to her. He put the cigarette out and brought her closer.

'Is it weird that I am so calm right now? That I am not scared.' She asked him hesitantly.

'You've trained your whole life to be a soldier, an intelligence agent. It doesn't come as a surprise that you would find the notion of going back into the field oddly comforting' he stated it merely as a fact.

She smiled at him, he understood her, even her twisted brain. She leaned forward and pecked his lips. 'I love you, Mycroft. We should say that more often to each other' she said as she smoothed his lapel. Tara was used to Mycroft never saying it back but today she felt like she had to hear it.

'Tara, I love you' he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

'Now go take a shower. I've laid a suit out for you upstairs. The navy blue one. It brings out your eyes' she said caressing his cheek. 'Let's get ready for battle with the Dragon'.


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