Chapter 37- Dinosaurs, Ladybugs, and Dragon Slayers

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In the bedroom, sunlight streams through an open wooden shutter. Tara clutched the sheets with one hand and pulled Mycroft in for a kiss with the other. Mycroft, released her lips going down to her neck and collar bone as he increased his pace. Tara's moans were interrupted by Mycroft's phone ringing incessantly on his nightstand. He ignores it and continues, but Tara is easily irritated by the sound and pushes him off. 'Just pick it up' she said and tried to catch her breath.

Mycroft sighed and fell on her side. As he catches his breath, he answers the phone. 'Yes. What?... Sherlock' he panted.

'Why are you out of breath?' Sherlock asked.

'Filing' Mycroft exhaled.

Without missing a beat Sherlock countered. 'Either I've caught you in a compromising position or you've been working out again. It's still morning, favor the latter' It was 9 am in the morning, but Sherlock couldn't have been more wrong.

At that, Mycroft smirked and looked at Tara who was still panting. 'What do you want?' he asked, avoiding the subject.

'I need your answer, Mycroft, as a matter of urgency.'

'Answer?' Mycroft knitted his brows. Tara turned to face him and pulled closer, trying to listen in on the conversation.

'Even at the eleventh hour, it's not too late to know' Sherlock told his brother.

Mycroft realized what his brother was talking about 'Oh, Lord' he exhaled. Tara understood what Sherlock was talking about too. She sighed and smacked her head.

'Cars can be ordered, private jets commandeered.'

'Today. It's today, isn't it?... No, Sherlock, I will not be coming' he said, earning him a smack on the head from Tara. Her eyes threatened him to do otherwise but he wouldn't give in.

'What a shame. John and Rosie would be extremely...'

'Delighted not to have me hanging around' Mycroft said as he stopped Tara, who was hitting his chest, with one hand.

'Oh, I don't know. There should always be a specter at the feast'

'Goodbye, Sherlock' Mycroft said and hung up. He put the phone away and turned to Tara. 'Now, where were we?' he smirked and rolled on top of her.

'We were done' Tara said and wiggled out of his grasp.

'No, we were not' Mycroft said and tried to catch her but she was already out of the bed.

'I don't know about you but I am done. Maybe you can finish the rest by yourself' she smirked at him and donned her robe.

'Oh, come on! What is the hurry?' He asked in disappointment.

'The hurry is that I promised Rosie I would make a birthday cake for her, and absolutely forgot about it until now and by the way, you're coming tonight' she patted his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

'No, I am not' he said spitefully. 'This is not fair' Mycroft muttered under his breath as Tara left their bedroom.

'Go take a cold shower, Mycroft' Tara yelled from the hallway.

Mycroft took Tara's pillow and muffled his frustrated scream. This was not how he had imagined his weekend would go.


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