Chapter 21- Rum and Shopping

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A week before Christmas, Tara and Grace were setting up Christmas specials at the Bakery and decorating the Bakery.

'Hey, Tara! Want to go out for drinks on Christmas?' Grace asked as she painted the bakery windows in the Christmas theme.

Tara looked up from her laptop in confusion. 'Wouldn't you rather spend Christmas with your boyfriend?' she asked.

Grace tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. 'My boyfriend is an unemployed DJ, who mooches off me and spends his days playing video games on my couch. What do you think?' she asked in rhetoric.

'I think that says more about your taste in men than about him' Tara scoffed and returned her focus on the accounts she was doing.

'Hey! Do you want to go or not?' Grace snapped and put the brush down.

Tara raised her hand in surrender 'I would have loved to, but I can't.'

Grace came and sat across from Tara 'Oh, come on! We could do body shots off of a naked bartender. What better way to celebrate Christmas?!' Grace pleaded.

Tara wanted to gag at the idea. Instead, she stared at her assistant in shock, her mouth slightly open. She laughed awkwardly, taking a few seconds to recover, and then said 'As tempting as that sounds, I can't. I'm spending Christmas with Mycroft's family'

'What?!' Grace almost screamed.

Tara wondered why she was surrounded by so many dramatic people. 'Why is that so surprising to you?' she asked.

'Isn't it a little too soon? I mean at this rate in few months you two might get married' Grace laughed at her joke but stopped when she saw her boss's glare. 'I should shut my trap?' it was more of a statement than a question. Tara's silence only confirmed it. 'Right'

Tara didn't say anything. After a few minutes, the silence was killing Grace. She really couldn't keep her mouth shut. 'But still, aren't you even a little nervous?' Grace asked finally and got up to clean all the paint splatters on the floor.

Tara exhaled and rolled her eyes 'Why would I be nervous?' she asked, shutting her laptop. Apparently, her assistant couldn't let go of certain things. She turned her chair to focus on Grace.

Grace started walking around as she mopped the floor. 'Meeting his parents is a big step. I have seen Sherlock and Mycroft. I can only imagine what their parents must be like. If I were you, I'd be freaking out; I mean what if they don't like me? What if they think I am not good enough for him or something? ...' she rambled on until she saw Tara's face. Tara's face was pale. She blinked at Grace like a terrified child. 'SHIT. I spooked you. Don't be spooked. NO. No. No. No. No. No. No, don't be spooked. Do not be spooked. This is good because love is good. This is good. Everybody loves love. Who doesn't? And everybody loves you. They'll love you. I mean how could they not? Look at you. You are amazing. You're an awesome person. They'll love you.' she finished her ramble and looked at Tara eagerly, wanting to make sure she was okay.

Tara didn't say anything. After a few seconds, she walked away from Grace and went back to her office. Grace wouldn't dare to go after her boss. She had done enough damage already. She was scared she might scare Tara even more.


John woke up to his phone blaring into his ear. He looked up at the clock. 7:18 am, it read. He picked up his phone and checked the caller ID. Grace Johnson. Does this girl have no sense? He thought before answering. He didn't bother to get out of bed.

'Grace, it's 7 am. Normal people like me are still sleeping' He said ignoring the pleasantries. His voice laced with sleep.

'I know that, Doctor. It's Tara. She hasn't shown up to work yet. She is always on time.' She almost shouted into the phone in a state of panic.

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