Chapter 22- Sanity and Childhood Bedrooms

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Sherlock, Mycroft, John, Rosie, and Tara carpooled to Musgrave. An old man greeted them when Thomas pulled over at Musgrave Hall, the Holmes family home located somewhere in the countryside. He greeted the three men and ruffled Rosie's hair, as Tara awkwardly stayed back.

'Tara, this is my father, Siger Holmes' Mycroft finally introduced.

'Tara Matthews.' she smiled and offered her hand.

He shook her hand and gave her a warm smile. 'I've heard good things' he said.

'I like you already' Tara said and they both chuckled.

Mrs. Holmes came out of the house and embraced her boys and Rosie first. She then greeted Dr. Watson and then turned to Tara.

'Mummy, this is Tara' Mycroft introduced.

'Hello, Mrs. Holmes' Tara greeted and offered her hand.

Violet shook Tara's hand. 'Tara, finally! I've heard so much about you.' she pulled Tara into a warm hug.

'Good things, I hope' she said nervously.

'Myc has been acting like a dog with his favorite bone, hiding it away. I can't wait to get to know you!' Violet pulled Tara into the house with Rosie following them.

'50 pound says she is going to tank in the first ten minutes.' Sherlock sniggered as Tara helplessly looked behind at Mycroft. Mycroft glared at his brother.

'No, I have faith in Tara. She'll make a good impression.' John said confidently.

'Look at her! She looks like that girl in Rosie's kinder garden play, the one who forgot her lines and peed her pants' Sherlock smiled mischievously.

John opened his mouth to disagree, then took another look at Tara. 'Dear Lord! She does look like that girl'

Mycroft stared at the Baker Street Boys in horror.

'Don't listen to them, Mycroft. Your mother will love her' Siger assured his eldest with a pat on the back.

The three men then took all the luggage inside the house as the women chatted away.


Mrs. Holmes and Tara sat in the kitchen enjoying a nice afternoon tea as the men put away the luggage.

'Are you a good girl?' Mrs. Holmes abruptly asked.

Tara almost does a spit-take when she heard that. She looks at Mrs. Holmes's stern face, she really expected Tara to answer that question. Tara's lips quiver as she tries to answer the question 'Yes...' She said doubtfully, squinting her eyes.

'Is that an answer or a question?' Mrs. Holmes asked.

'Yes.' Tara's voice lacked confidence.

'Are you sure?' Mrs. Holmes let out a small amused laugh.

'Yes.' Tara said firmly.

Mrs. Holmes gave her a warm smile 'I asked Myc to tell me more about you, but you know how secretive he can be. So, I asked Sherlock. You know Sherlock, he'd do anything to piss off Mycroft.' She chuckled.

Tara chortled 'I do.'

'So, Sherlock tells me you grew up in London.'

'I did.' Tara was uncomfortable with Violet's line of inquiry.

'Do your parents live there too? What do they do?'

'I am an orphan. I grew up in St. Matthew's Orphanage in London, thus the name Tara Matthews.' She had repeated that answer so much over the past few years, even in a Narcotics test that would be her answer. It was the best way to avoid any questions about her past. Sherlock and Mycroft knew that very well.

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