Chapter 32- The Home Pregnancy Test

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Tara is enjoying her hot shower, relaxing her sore muscles as the hot water runs down her body when she hears the shower door open and then a second later close behind her. She smiles slightly when she feels two familiar hands wrap themselves around her waist.

She leans against his chest 'You're up early' she says as he leaves soft kisses on her neck and shoulders 'Ready for round two already?' she teased.

'You know, I am always ready, babe' he said and reached forward, turning the shower knob the other way. Tara shivered as the cold water ran down her body.

'Besharam' [Shameless]she scolded. 

'Hey, we've got a family to make, and there's only one way to do that. And I am dedicated to the cause' he replied and turned her around to face her.

'Ohh, you are just so thoughtful' she whispered, throwing her arms around his neck and leaning up to a kiss.


He pours himself a cup of coffee and turns to Tara 'When you get back, maybe you and I could take a trip'

'Hmm' she mused and sipped on her coffee.

'Somewhere cold. Keep each other warm and focus on our efforts to expand.... Our child will be a hell-raiser' he hugged from behind.

'Uhhhuhn, No sir. Not in my house. My house has rules' She turned around and placed her hands on her hips.

'Oh, so you plan on being exactly like Mommy Hitler. Huh?' He smirked.

'Hey! Don't mock my mother. But with a few modifications, yes.' She smacked his arm and added.

Before he could reply, their conversation was cut short by the doorbell. He huffed 'You know when we have a baby your father won't be the only one interrupting our conversations'

'Why is he always early?' she whined.

'Your mother is out of town on business. The man is probably bored out of his mind' he snorted.

She nodded in understanding 'Stall him, I'll go fetch my jacket' she said and ran upstairs.

'Come on in, Sir. It's always open' He shouted at the door.

The older man walked in with their newspaper in one hand and his walking stick in the other.

'You know you don't have to ring the bell and wait at the door all the time. It's always open' he said as he poured the man a cup of coffee.

'Good morning to you too. And you know you shouldn't leave your front door unlocked like that, right?' The older man retorted.

'You realize your daughter is 'The Techie', right? She is got this place hooked with the best security system in the world. You don't have to ring the bell every time.'

'No thank you. I don't want to walk into you doing 50 shades of freaky to my daughter' The older man grimaced and made a disgusted face.

His son-in-law rolled his eyes in response and huffed. 'So, Air Chief Marshall Siddique has been gone for long now, how are you doing?' he knew just how to get on his father-in-law's nerves.

The older man clenched his jaw and raised an eyebrow 'I am doing just fine'

His son-in-law smiled at his small victory. Before he could annoy him anymore Tara walked in, dressed for work.

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